Chapter six- you just want attention

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Rolling over in my bed I squinted at my phone that was vibrating across the counter. Millie calling. Groaning I sat up and reached for it, pushing my hair back out of my face.
"hello" I asked voice groggy with sleep.
"Hey hun, get yourself to the club house. We're on lock down " Millie answered voice bright.
"what?" I asked rubbing my eye, my mind still foggy with sleep. It has been a late night again last night for me. Since Benny had visited the compound I had been flat out working every night and sometimes during the day in the front bar.
"wake up and get up Aine. I've never seen the men so edgy you need to get to the compound, everyone needs to be safe." Millie said and I could hear rustling, like she was packing.
"what's Cut saying?" I asked throwing the covers back and hopping from the bed.
"He hasn't said anything. Never mentions Benito now that he knows I know him but I think this has to do with him, Aine" she said in a hushed tone, clearly Cut was somewhere close by.
"He would have told me" I answered even though I wasn't sure. She paused before answering me.
"I don't think so Aine. Not this time. There is something going on here that's way bigger than us" Millie said and I heard the zip on her case.
"look just pack a bag and go to the compound and we'll talk then." Millie said ending the conversation.
"Okay I'll be there soon" I said already gripping a bag, hating the uneasy in my stomach.
"Aine..." Millie's voice came down the line and I stopped moving.
"yes?" I asked cautious.
"I know Benito is... I'm not trying to..." she draws a deep breath "basically you don't know what's happening and if Benito hasn't told you now, he's not going to. So just be careful what you tell him, think of what side you'll be fuelling" she rushed out and I felt her words hit deep.
"got it" I said and hung up after saying goodbye, not liking why her words were suggesting.

Arriving at the compound I pulled up beside the many cars and bikes that littered the lot. Seems I was the last one to arrive. Taking a deep breath I grabbed my bag and walked inside instantly being greeted by everyone hanging around the place. The children was all sitting on the carpet in the main room together while the members hung around waiting. Walking up to Millie's side I watched the room go silent as Switch entered it, Tara at his side. Looking around Switch caught everyone's eyes and although his gaze didn't linger on mine I saw a flash go through his before he shifted his eyes.
"As of right now no one leaves here without permission, my permission. You leave the safety of the club you better have a damn good reason. At some point we'll be riding out, when that comes the women and children will not be leaving inside the building for any reason. Am I understood?" he spoke clearly and with authority. Watching him I could see why he was president, he held his own, had an air of strength around him and he meant what he said. People called out in agreement or nodded their heads. When Switch nodded back the crowd slowly started to disperse. I followed Millie and Cut as they approached where Switch and Tara stood. Pin and Buck joined us a second later.
"Are we set up around the perimeter?" Switch asked Buck and he nodded. "No one's getting near us without those babies picking it up. Well know they're there before they get in any way close to the front gate" Buck smiled clearly happy with his work. Switch nodded his approval.
"what's happening Switch?" Millie asked lightly. His eyes cut to her.
"need to know" he answered.
"for how long?" I spoke up, straightening my back, getting ready for the full effect of his eyes when they'd hit me. He turned his gaze to me.
"As long as needs be" he answered vaguely again.
"I have a job" I pushed further and watched actual disgust go across his face.
"Surely to god knowing your safe is more important than blowing lads for money" his voice had risen and with it the room had gone quiet. People were staring.
"Part of being safe is staying alive and I need money for food if I'm going to stay alive" I answered back ignoring the jab he had made about my work.
"We have food here" he answered and I scoffed.
"Ok well what about when this blows over and I need money for rent. If I don't turn up to work I'm fired. If I'm fired I can't pay rent and thats me on the street" I shot back getting frustrated.
"Your line of work shouldn't be too hard to find another job in, depending on how willing you are right?" he tilted his head, no heat to his words but I felt the bite of them anyways.
"fuck you" I snapped out without thought and watched his face cloud over. Anger poured off him.
"Careful Aine" he said darkly.
"come on Aine. I'll show you to your room" Millie stepped forward and grabbed my arm, tugging she led me away, not really giving me a choice. When wee reached the room I had stayed in before she stopped in the door while I walked in.
"Aine" she said softly and I turned to look at her. " what are you doing?" she was frowning slightly at me and I knew what she was talking about.
"Nothing Millie" I answered and she studied me.
"I hope not" she said and again I felt the bite of words. " I'd hate to see people getting hurt" I knew what she was saying and the image of Tara standing at Switchs side came into my head. I shook it out.
"Promise Millie" I said back and she nodded before giving me a small smile and closing the door behind her. I sank down into the bed and dropped my head into my hands knowing full well she wasn't convinced.

It was several hours later after I had cleaned out and put away my stuff I was sitting on the bed when a knock came to the door. I had yet to come out of the room. Telling whoever it was to come in I watched as Switch stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He leaned back against it keeping his eyes on me.
"Everyone's gone to bed, early night." He said and I nodded not sure why he told me.
"You haven't come out of your room " he commented.
"I haven't had reason too" I said watching him.
"You can be comfortable here, Aine" he said back frustration in his voice and I nodded.
"Yeah I could be if I wasn't being constantly put down anytime I'm near you" I said back and watched him scrub a hand down his face.
"I called Max. You're on paid leave as of tomorrow " he stated and I blinked in shock.
"thank you" I whispered and watched him drop his hand to look at me again.
"how'd it happened Aine?" he asked and I frowned.
"you and stripping. You and stripping in a world that is so not you" he explained and I swollened the lump in my throat.
"I could always dance. Tried it on a pole once and turned out I was good at it" I shrugged and knew he knew that wasn't it. I just wasn't willing to explain it.
"No you're not" he said, letting my lie slide.
"I'm not what?" I asked and his gaze got intense.
"you're not good Aine. You're fucking phenomenal. You bewitched the crowd when you're on that stage. You own them" he said and then after a few seconds of stunned silence on my part he turned to leave.
"why do you do that?" I blurted out and he turned back, hand on the doorknob. "why are you mean to me but then nice to me? Why did you come to the club that night? Why did you...why?" I ended on a whispered, our kiss replaying between us.
"You make me forget" he whispered back and I frowned.
"forget what?" I asked.
"everything" he said and I stared as tears dotted my lower lid.
"Well try harder to remember. We're two different world's we don't need to mix them" I said back.
"You need to remember too Aine" he said back sharing the blame with me before leaving the room. Slowly I lowered myself onto my back and stared at the ceiling replaying the last time Switch and I were happy together. It's been a long couple of years and a lot has changed.

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