Chapter nine- keep your money, I got my own

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"Jesus I'm coming!" I snapped as I hobbled my way through my apartment to the front door that was being slammed on repeatedly. Reaching it I slammed my own hand against it until they stopped.
"What?" I growled listening through the wood.
"Open the door, Aine." Switchs voice came back at me.
"I'm busy" I answered cringing by how pathetic that sounded.
"Open the fucking door" he clipped. I leaned my head against the wood careful of my wounds.
"I'm fine, Switch I just need some me time." I said softly knowing he'd hear me.
"Let me in" he persisted. A burst of frustration had me slamming my hand against the door.
"I said no" I snapped and straight away felt his present get closer.
"One more time, Aine. Then I'm caving your door in." He warned. Turning I walked from the door to go sit on the back balcony hoping he'd leave eventually.
I should have known better. Within five minutes I felt him out on the deck looking down at me but I continued to stare forward.
"Jesus Christ" he snarled.
"Might as well sit down and make yourself at home a little more, seen as you just forced your way in" I said into the silence.
"Explain what happened" he asked gesturing to my face.
"Fell" I clipped, lighting up a cigarette I noticed the slight tremble in my hands.
"Don't bullshit me. Your car on fire is all over the news on that back road and word of a woman in critical condition in the hospital is all I have heard about over the last few days" he growled out.
"Not critical, clearly" I snorted and felt his anger kick up a notch. He snatched the cigarette from my hand and put it out.
"Quit playing and tell me what happened. Were you drinking?" He asked and I snorted again.
"Fuck you Aine, tell me why you hurt yourself that way! Hardly over me and Tara, tell me you're smarter than that" he snapped. I froze before turning slowly toward him.
"Hurt myself? You think I did this shit?" I snapped and he shrugged.
"People do stupid shit for attention" he said and I shook my head slowly.
"You're unbelievable. Jesus I'm not a five year old child." I said incredulously. His face hardened at my tone.
"What happened with Benny?" I asked feeling the words fall from my lips so carelessly. He stated at me for a minute before answering.
"Now who's full of bullshit. Tell me what went down" I said rising to my feet.
"I said mind your business babe. Has nothing to do with you" he said back.
"I need to know!" I snapped following him as he walked back through my apartment.
"No you don't, you need to go back to the hospital you walked out of without being discharged from yesterday and get fixed up. Yeah that's right, they've said on the news you disappeared from the hospital though they still haven't released your name. You can't take care of yourself here" he snapped looking around my apartment.
"I'll be fine" I said uneasy that I was all over the news, it put me in the spotlight. Suddenly he swung back around to face me full on for the first time since he arrived.
"You're-" he stopped himself as his jaw clenched. He took my battered face in.
"Jesus" he whispered before raising his hand slowly to cup my cheek. "Scariest thing in my life seeing your car on that news channel telling us they didn't know the state you were in yet. Just seeing that car and realising it was yours, it on fire, blazing toward the sky..." his sentence fell off. He continued to caress my cheek softly.
"I'm okay" I whispered. Slowly he leaned forward and rested his forehead against mine, anguish on his face. I noticed he payed mind to not press against the injuries on my forehead. "Promise Jason, I'm okay" I whispered again pressing my forehead lightly into his.
"What happened?" He asked.
"I can't tell you" my voiced sounded scared. Suddenly his hands gripped both of mine.
"I need you to tell me. I can't fix it if you dont" he whispered back string into my eyes. Something about him made me think he had a good idea in his head of what had happened he just didn't want to believe it.
"You can't fix it. It's done" I answered watching the words wreck havoc in his eyes.
"Fuck Aine" he snapped, pulling away from me, breaking the moment.
"What do you want from me? What do you know?" I asked him as he turned from me and walked toward the door.
"I know nothing" he said looking back at me. Shaking my head I laughed.
"Yeah, me too" I said back and watched sourness take over him before he turned back to leave once again. I didn't move from my spot in the main room.
"Let Millie in when she comes to see you. She's torn up. And Aine? You can't save everyone." he didn't turn around as he left, he simply shut the door softly and was gone.
"I can try" I whispered to no one.

Hours later I was still trying, still dialing.
The number you have dialed is no longer in use.
I could feel the quakes taking over my body, being part of this world for too long to not understand what was happening.
Frantically I called another number, praying with everything I had that he'd pick up.
"...leave a message after the..." came the automatic voice down the line to me but I felt blessed. The phone wasn't disconnected, there was still hope.
"Please, please talk to me. What's happening? I don't understand. Please call me" I whispered, the fear evident in my voice. Slowly I clicked off my phone and leaned back against the wall in my bedroom.
Running back over the events of the last night I still tried to find fault in my memory but I could still see him clear as day before he swerved his car into mine. As clear as he was in my head, one thing wasn't. I could see it in his face that night, the situation had slowed to a snail pace and I can remember seeing the moment he chose.
He chose to injure me instead of kill me. Initially it was his intention to kill but at the last crucial moment, something changed in him and he couldn't do it. Instead he left it to chance to decided if it would take my life or not.
In a way I should find comfort in the fact that he didn't take my life but I find myself consumed with fear. I know how these men work and if one person fails, someone else is sent out to do the job they couldn't.
Roberto couldn't do it that night and it's only a matter of time before someone comes to finish what he started.
The number you have dialed is no longer in use.

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