Chapter thirteen- someday, maybe you'll see the light

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Two weeks ago
“It’s the only option we have. It’s our opening.”
“See reason, men. We have no choice.”
“We're out of options.”
“We'll find a different way, this will come back on us.”  Cut growled above the other men in the room. We were having a meet and I watched on silently as the men threw around my idea amongst themselves.
“I don’t think we have a choice at this point.” Hack commented quietly and Cut turned to shoot a glare at him.
There's always a choice, Brother” Buck spat out. Rowdy arguments rose amongst them again. Slowly I leaned forward and rested my arms on the table before me.
“We're voting on it.” I spoke up and silence fell. “everyone for, say yes.”
“hell yes.”
“only way.”
“fuck yeah.”
Over and over from the men I received approval.
“anyone against?” I spoke then and received far fewer replies. “It’s settled so, it's passed. We do what we must to protect the club”
“it’s barbaric!” Cut roared looking outraged. “since when do we terrorise innocent people?”
“look, our choices are we don’t use the information we have and instead we try to fight off the attacks from every South coast club that will be coming at us on behalf of the Devil Chains or else we do them this favour and settle the war for good” I said. “all we need to do is assist them in breaking down Benny. One move, that’s all we need to do.” I finished, sitting back, no liking our options but knowing we had no other choice.
“One move that will destroy his life and ruin ours! Jesus, you think he’ll let this sit?” Buck snapped.
"He won’t know it has anything to do with us. We'll be in and out quick as lightening” I said back and saw anger spread through the table as the men started to argue.
“Enough! It’s settled, we’ve voted. We keep our own safe and to do that we have to do things we don’t always want to, do you want to lose Layla or the Kids, Buck? Want to risk Millie, Cut?” I snapped at them. Silent fury met my questions.
“We leave at midnight” I said and watched Buck and Cut storm from the room.
“He keeps her up in the mountains, they have a house up there” Fang spoke, he was our computer genius, he could find everything and anything out. “Benny won’t expect it to be coming, not after the agreement that was struck yesterday between us. He won’t be too worried about his wife’s safety so we should get in easily enough. Shake her up a bit” he finished, nodding his head. We had known about the problems between the South and Benito Cortez, a fight that had been going on for years and was getting more and more savage as it went on. Our own problems arose recently due to several of my men overstepping a line in one of the south’s pubs one night, a small argument that led to the death of the president of the most respected Mc in the South. So they were out for blood.
It was only yesterday that it came to me what could save us, I hadn’t been sure but when I got in contact with the South and shared what I knew, they gave me an ultimatum. Make Benny hurt in a way he wouldn’t ever get over and we would be square or else the South would go through my club over night and leave it laying in runes. I don’t know what Benito had done but it had clearly been severe enough to leave a lasting impression.
It wasn’t ideal but I had to do what I could to protect my club and if it meant I had to take Benito Cortezs family to save my own, I would.
“we ride out tonight ” I said with finality.
Cortezs wife was the answer.

Two days later.

“Pasta for dinner tonight baby, I’m feeling easy.” Tara called over her shoulder to me as I shrugged on my cut. Sliding up behind her at the sink I kissed her shoulder.
“I like you easy” I whispered to her, “only for me though, right?” I growled playfully in her ear and got a twinkle of a laugh back. She shoved my chest playfully as she turned in my arms to slide her hands around my neck.
“Dad, stop kissing Mom. It’s yucky” Jenna wined behind me as she skipped into the room. Pulling away from a laughing Tara I turned to look at my daughter.
“Give me a kiss, princess, I have to head to work” I smiled as she ran toward me and jumped into my arms. Hugging Jenna close I turned back and kissed the side of Taras head.
“I’ll see you tonight.” I said before placing Jenna down and heading for the door. I loved the sound of their laughter in the kitchen as I headed out. My phone rang as I sat astride my bike.
“Yo.” I answered it.
“Your world will be torn to shreds so slowly it will leave you in ashes.” came through the phone and I froze at the sound of Benitos voice. Until the day I die I’ll never hear a voice so chilling. His voice had no emotion, it was as dead as leaves in the autumn and held the same crumbly defeat they possessed. He was destroyed beyond repair.
“You thought I wouldn’t click it together but I know everything. I have to commend you on how careful and precise and thorough you were in your attack. Truly if it wasn't what took my life from me, I dare say is be inpressed", he was empty, flat. His voice just going through the motions. "The South back off from their plan to go through your club, a plan they've been perfecting for two months the day after my wife is found dead in our home and you expect me not to click it together?” his laugh was what I suspect the Devil sounds like when he laughs. It left fear in its wake.
“An eye for an eye, Jason Black. I have nothing to lose now. Enjoy your time with her, because eventually I will take her from you and leave you a broken man. You won't be able run from me, you've taken my world, I'm going to take yours too.” with that he hung up but I was stuck staring at my home hearing his words and my daughter’s giggle in my head over and over again. The severity of the situation threatened to kill me. I hadn’t known fear like this before in my life, not ever. Without further pause I rang a Hack.
“brother?” he answered.
“I need your help” I heard the fear in my voice, “ I need you all”. Giving him further instruction I moved toward the house in a panic. Walking into the kitchen I saw the confusion on both my wife and daughters face.
“Pack, baby. You’re going away for awhile” I whispered and watched her still at my voice. I watched both my girls, memorizing their beauty.
“Switch?” Tara whispered carefully, confusion and the onset of fear clear in her expression.
“The men will come for you guys, go with them and don’t ask questions, they know what they’re doing.” I said before grabbing her and kissing her senseless. Letting her go I moved to Jenna and placed a soft kiss on her forehead before walking from the house hearing Tara call after me but I didn’t stop. I revved my bike and skid out of my home, passing my brothers along the road as I made my way toward the clubhouse to meet with the men.
You did what you had to, I told myself the entire ride there, feeling the bile rising in my throat as I choked it down.
As much as I wanted to believe we could right this, for once in my life I had the sinking feeling that my actions weren’t correctable.

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