chapter five- sweating 'til my clothes come off

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Strolling up to the compound I had my game face on.  I could feel the tension of a restless sleep in my shoulders and along my neck but I refused to let that stop me from holding my head high.  I’d gotten up from bed hours ago, having accepted the fact that sleep was not going to come. I’d ran for an hour, pushing myself harder than I had ever done before I had returned home to shower and get ready for today. The sun had barely started to rise by this time. I had my hair done, my make up done and a killer outfit on all before nine in the morning but regardless of how I tried to keep busy I couldn’t shake the restlessness out if me.
Today was Wednesday, the day of the meeting.  It was going to be my first time seeing Benny in months but also my first time being near Switch after what went down in the club. I tried hard to erase that night from my memory and every so often  I had myself convinced I had gotten over it but then late at night when I was trying to sleep it would overload my mind. Such vivid images. Shaking my head I once again attempted to clear it of all thoughts of Switch, which in this moment was ridiculous seen as I was arriving at his club.
Judging from the bikes in the lot I could see that Cut, Pin and Buck were here with Switch. Walking inside I found the men having a beer in the main room, a hush falling over the room as I strolled in.
“Hey” I said not focusing on anyone in particular, especially not Switch. 
“Clubs closed today Babe,  meeting.” Buck said taking a pull of his beer and my eyes shot to Switch and narrowed. He stared back void of emotion.
“I know. That’s why I’m here.” I said back and got their attention once again.
“No Babe.” Cut said with finality.
“yep,  Switch okay'd it.” I said back, no heat just stating a fact. I watched as all men’s eyes sung to Switch who still had his eyes on me.
“Not happening, Aine” Switch spoke then and a turmoil of emotion went off in me. Instant anger rose at his words along with disbelief. Those emotions unfortunately were amateur to the pain I felt thinking about how we had come to our agreement and how he was so easily pretending it didn’t happen. But worst than that I felt disgust at myself.  I felt it because regardless of all the negative emotions rushing through my body aimed at Switch I also felt a rush of heat ignite me at the sound of my name leaving his lips because with sudden clarity I could remember the sound of his voice the last time my name had left his lips, the rough edges it had had.
“hell yes I  am. This concerns me” I snapped desperately hoping my emotions hadn’t run across my face.
“this doesn’t concern you at all actually.” Switch said easily, still unaffected by my presents and it shouldn’t but that hurt just as much as him saying my name did.
“Bull if it wasn’t for me you wouldn’t even have this meeting and-" I was cut off by a sharp knock on the front door. The men by passed me and I followed behind. Over their shoulders I could see Switch stepping out the door into the space of Roberto, Bennys main bodyguard. Words I couldn’t hear were exchanged as all the men pressed out the door. I pushed through them all to come to the front, standing behind Switch. Over his shoulder and behind Roberto I could see a black sports car, with blackout windows. I took another step forward and grabbed the attention of Roberto. Seeing me I watched his expression soften ever so slightly.
“Beauty” he greeted me, in one word informing me of all he knew about the situation. No way if he didn’t think it was safe would he expose any sort of connection to me. For his safety and for my own. I felt a smile spread across my face as I felt each of the men look between me and Roberto.
“Hey Honey” I said softly back answering him the way I always did. He was a beautiful man who was always dressed in a suit, tall and build like a fighter. He kept his hair buzzed to his scalp. He had a strong, square jaw and sharp eyes along with beautifully tanned skin. Knowing Benny the way I did I also knew his men. Roberto had terrified me the first to few times I met him. Then one evening I was with Benito went his was dropping into Roberto to give him some important information regarding a situation they had at the time. Benny had told me to wait in the car and had walked up the path to Robertos door before knocking. I was left shell shocked at the the sight of Roberto answering the door in a pair of jeans and a plain tshirt with no shoes or socks on. But that wasn’t the thing that caused my eyes to bug out. It was the beautiful little angel that was seated on his hips,  her head tucked in under his chin. It had been months of grovelling and persistent questioning before Roberto cracked and told me about her and it was another few weeks before he let me meet her. Jasmine was her name and she has been two at the time .
Switch stepped into Robertos line of sight, cutting me off from view.
“back inside, Aine” he said firmly, not turning away from the stare down he was now in with Roberto.  Before I could respond I heard the car door open and out folded Benito.  He had an air of grace around him as he walked toward us, purpose in every step he took. He stopped beside Roberto and took in the men in front of him.
“the Savages” he said clearly.
“Lorenzo” Switch rasped back and Benito inclined his head. Then his focus came to me.
“Aine” was all he said and I smiled back at him.
“Benito” I winked and his eyes crinkled at the sides. Then his focus shifted back to the Savage bikers  and his face levelled out into a blank expression of ease.
“We have much to discuss” he stated and I felt the tension rise in the air. In turn each of the men turned to walk into the compound and I followed suit until Benito calling out my name stopped all movement. I turned to see he hadn’t moved.
“You won’t be present” he stated keeping his eyes on mine. I felt the eyes of all the men on me.
“Okay” I said quietly before stepping back to give a clear path into the compound. Puzzlement came from the bikers, I could feel it in the way Switchs eyes bore into my bowed head. But I didn’t look up I kept my focus down as they passed me and once I heard the door of the church room close I sat down on the pavement against the wall outside. Focusing on the ground under me I lost myself in thought and in the heat of the day. So much so I didn’t hear the car pull up until it stopped in front of me and Tara got out along with her little girl.
Holy shit. I felt  that kick to my gut and sucked in a breath to replace the air that had just been taken out of me.
“Hey” she said chirpy as ever. I know at the beginning I had thrown her off calling Switch Jason the way I had but in the months that had passed everything had settled down fine again. Right now though I was finding it hard to feel settled at all.
“Hi” I croaked out watching her daughter skip alongside her mother as they approached me. I rose to my feet.
“Meeting still on?” she asked looking beyond me.
“Em yeah,” I cleared my throat, “ it’s been a while though so they should be done soon” my voice was starting to get some strength to it thank god,  not that Tara noticed my unease.
“Well hopefully, we’re going for lunch and to the park aren’t we sweetie?”, Tara smiled down at Jenna who returned the smile. It hurt to watch.
“That’ll be nice” I said back, feeling like I was in an out-of-body experience. My head was beginning to float.
“Yeah we rarely find time for anything family wise anymore, everything is just so hectic sometimes.  So when the opportunity presents itself...” she smiled happily at me, completely unaware she was ripping me apart. Family. Such a beautiful thing she had.
“You took it” I finished and she laughed carefree.
“More like tackled it and held on for dear life. Grab every chance you get, isn’t that it Jenna?” she shook their joined hands and Jenny laughed her little girl giggle. Taking a deep breath I tried to get a hold of myself. From behind me I heard the door open and we both turned to see Switch exiting the door with the bikers and Benito and Roberto with him.
“Baby” Switch said and I felt that knife slash deep because that wasn’t for me. No, his focus was solely for his wife and daughter as he by passed me and moved in close to them. Feeling my knees buckle I was caught with an arm around my waist before I could go down.
“I’ve got you” Benny whispered in my ear and started walking us toward his car. To anyone watching it looked as though we were just close, a man with his arm around a woman as they walked. You would never guess he was what stopped me from crumpling to the ground.
“Lorenzo” Switch called from behind us and Benny turned us slightly to face him. There he stood, Tara by his side and his daughter tucked close to his leg. His gaze moved between me and Benny.
“We’re in agreement” he stated. I felt Roberto come to my other side.  The men either side of me caging me in, forming a unit.
“Beautiful family you have” Benito replied and I felt the venom fly through the air. Not from Switch but from the other Savage men.  They didn’t know what Benito knew though so hearing those words they took it as a treat to Switchs family but what they didn’t understand and what Switch clearly did by the narrowing of his eyes again on the arm around my waist was that Benito was warning Switch to stay away from me. Benito was a smart man, a strong one and he took care of his own. I was his and he was stating that clear as day to Switch.
“my regard to your wife” Switch replied and I felt Benitos instant fury by way of his fingers digging into my side.
“Benny” I urged so softly you would hardly notice the movement of my mouth but I knew Benny heard me. Without another word we turned toward the car and got in. Roberto drove as myself and Benito sat in silence in the back.
“Be smart, Aine” he spoke softly. I took a deep breath.
“I’m trying” I said back.
“Not hard enough” he answered, no heat or rudeness to his words, simply just a statement and I had no reply. Because he was right.

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