Well hello

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If you have cared to read on thank you for caring.

So first I shall explain my life I guess.

As of right now I'm a girl, of fourteen. Birthday of August 11. And I'm depressed.

I feel very ignored most to everyday. I have only been able to talk to my friends who I am very thankful for.

Being ignored is only part of me, the paranoia I live with of someone purposely setting my life up like this, plotting my doom, keeps me awake at night.

The paranoia makes me afraid that the darkness with consume more than it already has. And it's not like I can drown my demons,

They know how to swim.

I am consumed in my darkness, like a hole. The hole tells how depressed a person is, my hole is so dang deep I do t see the light.

But everyone and then a little bit of dirt gets added and slowly I feel better.

But you know I'm at that stage of life where I'm questioning myself at everything, am I a positive thing in the lives of people I affect? Or negative? Who am I? What am I?(relating to gender)

It's all very confusing right now and I'm trying to sort everything out but I get very distracted so t may take a few years...

But now you, the readers, know the gist of my life. Congratulations and thanks for listening.

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