Chapter 7: The Badge and the Burden Part 2

Start from the beginning

Ruby: Weiss!

Weiss: (turning around) What?

Ruby: What's wrong with you? Why are you being-?

Weiss: What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? You're supposed to be a leader, and all you've been so far is a nuisance!

Ruby: (scoffs) What did I do?

Weiss: That's just it - you've done nothing to earn your position! Back in the forest, you acted like a child, and you've only continued to do so!

Ruby: Weiss, where is this coming from? What happened to all the talk about 'working together'? I thought you believed in acting as a team.

Weiss: Not a team led by you. I've studied and trained. And quite frankly, I deserve better." (turns her back to Ruby, trying to reach out but dropping her hand with the following words) "Ozpin made a mistake.

Weiss walks away as Ruby looks dejected.

(Y/N) and Ozpin, is standing right behind a surprised Ruby.

Ozpin: Hmm... Now that didn't seem to go very well.

Ruby looking doubtful, even on the verge of tears.

Ruby: Is she right? Did you make a mistake?

(Y/N) then looks at Weiss, walking around the halls.

(Y/N): I'll go talk to her.

(Y/N) said as he walks off beside Ruby as he patted her shoulder.

Weiss is still walking around the halls until she comes across a balcony where she heard (Y/N), calling her.

(Y/N): Hey, Weiss...

Weiss: (turning to look at him) (Y/N)!

(Y/N): How're you doing?

Weiss: You.....probably, already know....

(Y/N): So I see.... You did great back there!

Weiss: (smiling) You really think so?

(Y/N): Of course, you were awesome!

(Y/N) notices Weiss' small frown and lack of eye contact.

(Y/N): Is something....troubling you Weiss?

Weiss: Yeah...

(Y/N): Well then, go on (sits on a bench and gestures Weiss to sit beside him) tell Uncle (Y/N) all about it!

Weiss smilingly rolls her eyes then sits beside (Y/N).

Weiss: Well... I-I think I should have been the leader of team RWBY!

(Y/N): (silent for a moment until he speaks) Bullshit!

*Cuts to Ruby and Ozpin*

Ruby: What do you mean?

Ozpin: I mean, it's only been one day. Ruby... I've made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet. But at this moment, I would not consider your appointment to leader to be one of them. (leans in so he can look more directly at Ruby) Do you?

*Cuts to (Y/N) and Weiss*

Weiss: (now getting angry) Excuse me?!

(Y/N): Sorry, pardon my language. Weiss, I've believed in Uncle Oz for many years, and the guy seems to know what he's doing!

Weiss: So you would just blindly accept his decision even after seeing how exceptional I am?

(Y/N): We can all agree the fact that you're strong in a fight, Weiss, but what's keeping you weak is your attitude.

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