Chapter 6: The Badge and the Burden

Start from the beginning

As I got inside the elevator I turned back to Ozpin.

(Y/N): For the sake of this world, I hope your theories were wrong, Uncle Oz.

Ozpin: So am I, (Y/N).

(Time Skip)

I'm inside my dorm room, getting ready as I wear my school uniform.

I looked in the mirror

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I looked in the mirror.

(Y/N): This is to prestigious for me....

I then remembered what Uncle Oz said.

(Ozpin's words in my mind)

 For now we don't know what it can do, what Glynda said was just one our theories, so it's best to say that this artifact, shouldn't be known by the public, until further research.  

I sighed.

(Y/N): I hope you know what you're doing, Ozpin.

I then also remembered what Weiss muttered back in the initiation.

(Weiss' words in my mind)

You never change do you?

(Y/N): What the hell does she mean by that.....

I feel slight headache, as I touched my head.

(Y/N): Agggh..... damn.....

Then I heard a voice in my head

(Girl's voice in my head)

No, please, don't leave!

(Y/N): ...... What..... the hell was that?

I decided to ignore it and head out of the dorm. I still have 2 hours left for my first class, so I decided to explore the entirety of the academy, as I was exploring the hallway I heard Glynda behind me.

Glynda: Good morning, Mr. (L/N).

I turn around so see her.

(Y/N): Oh...uh....G'morning, Professor Glynda!

I said nervously because of her signature stern look.

Glynda: I think it's a bit too early for you to be up, your class doesn't start until the next hour.

(Y/N): I just thought that I'd get familiar with the place, you know. *chuckle*

I said as I scratch the back of my head.

Glynda: I see....

She smiled.

(Y/N): (Huh, that's the first.)

Glynda: (Y/N).

(Y/N): (First names now?)

Glynda: Do you have the time?

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