All Alone

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I woke up to no Tyler, no Josh, no Maddie, no one. Just me and my thoughts. I looked around the room and see no one at all. A black shadow glares at me and I shoot my head to where it was but it was gone.
"Tyler?..." my voice trails off as I hear a bang. I run downstairs and see a note left on the fridge.
I left out with one of my frens I hope you are okay text me when you see this I should be home around 1pm 1:30 at the most I bought Taco Bell if you want some (in the microwave) I bought your favorite :-) I love you and see you soon❤️
                               Love, Tyler.
I slid down and hugged my knees to my chest. My phone went off and it was Tyler.

Tyler❤️😍😩👅💦- Hey baby did ya get my letter❤️
Read at 11:35am

I just read his messages at this point I don't know what has gotten into me but I feel alone. My phone rings and it Tyler. I ignore it and throw it a crossed the kitchen.
"FUCK YOU!" I yelled for no reason.
Soon enough the black figure was standing over me.
"The hell do you want?" I snap. It just stares. I flip it of and say,
"Take a mother fucking picture bitch maybe it'll last longer."
(me every morning)
It tilts its head as I walk into the living room. I cracked my phone. Yay.
Ugh I hate my life. I walk out of the house taking a note with me. I walk to the park and sit down not to mention it was freezing outside. I pulled out a pen and the note and looked at it.
********Tigger Warning*********
It was my suicide note from when I yelled at my dad. It read,

I used to say you will never know why and I guess now is the time to let everyone know. If you are reading this then you are that person I trusted whom I could tell anything to. I don't know if you will care or not but... oh well. All of this is written at separate parts just to prove how broken I am. I have a voice in my head who never shuts up. He's one of the reasons why...

That was all I had. I decide to add more and lot more too much to show. I walked into a nearby café when someone came up and sat down.
"Seats taken." I mumbled.
"Yeah by me." I recognized the voice.
"What Tyler?" I asked.
"Y/N ple-" I cut him off.
"No Tyler no I don't know what is wrong with me okay?! I don't know what's wrong I feel alone I feel miserable I feel like no one cares and before you say anything I love you okay?! I love you so fucking much and here." I took the note and crumbled it into a ball and threw it at him. "You are that person I trust. Cause I'm done." I stormed out of the café and started running. I ran up to the a bridge and stared.
           "I'm done." I thought...

You Will Never Know Why... [Completed✔️]Where stories live. Discover now