The Begining...

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Y/n's P.o.v
       Ever wondered what it feels like to have a shit ass life were everyone gives you looks, make fun of you not using your name because they have no fucking clue who you are so, they call you freak, stupid, hoe, whore, ect.? Oh and not to mention,
                  ***Small Trigger***
fucking voices in your head that make you cut yourself everyday? Well, welcome to my shitty life. Aw yes, y/n l/n (last name) is me. But of corse you didn't know that like all these other fags here oh won't you look at that another name someone has called me. Ugh I have been call for many names, if I had a dollar for every time I have been called a name, I would be richer than God.  Oh, I guess now's the part i explain everything good about myself. Umm let me scan through my brain... yep just as I thought.... Nothing I have nothing good about myself to say.
       I'm sitting in boring ass art waiting for the day to be over with so i can get yelled at even more! Yay right?! I have one more class and then I'm out of here. Now I know, you maybe wondering, "Why don't you just not go to school if no one knows you?" Welp, the hole staff knows about me thanks to my mother. But, other than that? Nope. I hope that answers your question.
          Not soon after, the final bell rung everyone scrambled to leave the classroom as the math teacher hahaha hell I don't even know her name, was screaming "Don't forget you homework for tomorrow boy's and girls, I have to grade that or I get fired and YOU all get detention.''
     Once the room was empty I threw up my hood on my hoodie and headed towards the door. But of corse I just HAD to walk straight into someone.
"Hey FAG watch where you're going or you're ugly ass face will be smashed against that locker bitch." I didn't even bother to look at him and I ran out of the school and headed to my house.
      "Where the fuck were you?!?!" my father yelled as he aggressively grabbed my shoulders.
"I was a-a-at s-s-school" I said in fear.
"Goddamnit y/n I know that was a fucking lie, I saw you running home. Probably cause you WEREN'T at school!" he scream again squeezing tighter.
"LET GO OF ME YOU FAG!!" I yelled as I pushed my father off of me and managed to run.
Shit shit shit why did I do that?!?! I thought not paying any attention to my surroundings as I walked into a café and sat at a table.
"Would you like anything ma'am?" a girl asked
"No thanks." I mumble sobbing.
"Is everything okay?" I could tell she was getting closer, she had a slight British accent but it was leaving her very quickly.
"Yeah, just some things no one can fix, t-thanks for t-trying to c-c-care." I managed to say before sobbing and walking out of the café.
       I took my phone out see a lot of missed calls and text messages from dad.
Dads texts
***May Trigger Some***
Where the fuck are you
I swear to fucking god y/n I will make sure you never see the living daylight again if you don't answer
You know what y/n i hope you kill yourself WE ALL HATE YOU!!
and many more to come...

You know y/n hes right you should die
No I'm not doing it i dont have anything anyways
Come on, take it out just read it and add more and then DO IT!!!

  I give up I will do it. I thought to my self taking out the letter that only had 15 words on it. It read,

I used to say, you will never          
know why I do this to myself...

You Will Never Know Why... [Completed✔️]Where stories live. Discover now