Idea concert

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Third person POV
The morning after Tyler released No Phun Intended, he decided to release self titled (Twenty One Pilots) album, 1,000's of views came with in 5 hours of the released time. Y/N and Josh are so proud of Tyler and of corse Tyler gave Josh credit, since the old band members didn't want to have credit or be a part of the band anymore Tyler decided to give the credit to Josh.

Weeks and weeks went by and Tyler decided he wanted to preform concerts in Ohio of corse, thats where they lived.  Tyler talked to Josh about his Idea and Josh wanted to join as well and Y/N agreed to watch the shows. They asked a local Starbucks if they would play a few songs laster tomorrow and they said of corse. Y/N didn't know what to think but to be happy for Tyler and Josh, she always wished someone important in her life would make it in this world and she guesses Tyler and Josh must've been those important people.
Tyler's mom decided to through a big party last minute inviting all of Josh's and Tyler's family and Tyler invited some friends of his as well as Josh did too.
"Hey Ty I'm going to go out for a little bit is that okay?" Y/N asked.
"Of corse babe! Be back by party time, I wanna introduce you to all the family and frens." Tyler replied.
Y/N walked out walking to a near by café. She wasn't sure how to feel a bunch of things running through her mind. Party time was in just 45 more minutes and Y/N knew she wasn't going be show up.

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