Gone Forever?

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Tyler's POV
            I got in my car and sped home I needed to get home before Y/N does something. I feel horrible for leaving now I never wanted to leave without her, this hole trip was because of Josh. He wanted us to have some time alone He wanted to leave without Y/N even though he knew this would kill her. I cant stand being away form her I just can't ! I miss see her gorgeous Y/C/E eyes and her cuddles when she feels romantic. I just cant stand being away from her. Currently, I'm driving down a road that the speed limit is 75 and I'm going 80, I'm by myself because of a fight Josh and I had.

Flash Back and a Trigger warning
"Josh I'm sorry but I have to cut this trip short."
"What? Tyler why?!"
"Because Y/N she's really upset that I'm not home."
"Okay so? It's not like she's going to kill herself?"
"Josh are you kidding me?! Oh 'its not like shes going to kill herself' Do you even know her?!"
"Yeah Tyler I do and I know never in a million years she would so that."
"You just don't want me to leave."
"Actually Tyler no I don't really care what you do, you wanna run on home to your little suicidal girlfriend? Fine by me go ahead."
"Josh thats a very edgy topic!"
"But let me tell you this, you're going to come home and find nothings wrong ha hell she's probably just saying that so that way we cant spend time together."
"Josh me and you aren't dating! We never will be I never wanted to leave but you made me, YOU are just jealous because I actually have a girlfriend and you don't."
"Tyler shut up you sound really dumb."
"Whatever Josh."
"Have fun walking to the airport because I'm taking the car and their are no taxis or Uber that will take you."
I smiled and then walked out.
End of Tigger and flashback
Just in a couple more hours all be home I called maddie.
"Maddie hi is Y/N okay?"
"Uh let me see if she's in your room."
"It's locked."
"Shit!" I yelled.
"Knock and ask her if you can come in I wanna talk to her."
"Hey Y/N can I please come in I have Tyler on the phone and he says he really wants to talk to you."
"Did she say anything?"
"Fuck Maddie just keep talking to her."
"She just crying."
"Well at least we know shes still alive."
"Just maddie keep talking to her."
"Can do"
"Ill be home in about 2 hours"
"Okay "
"Love you"
"yeah you too"
End of call.

        Time skkipp
Im only 30minutes away from home.
"SHIT!" I yelled and that last thing I saw was a car coming towards me.

A/N never speed in a car guys or call or text and drive please stay alive 💚

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