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Your Pov
little violence
     Tyler suggested us on going, but I'm not leaving until f/n stops messing with Tyler. MY boyfriend.
"Hold on Tyler." I say.
"You know what I called you, Slut. Trust me your pity friend is just as stupid as you." She said in my face.
"My stupid pity friend is actually my boyfriend." I say with a smile as Tyler comes up and hugs my waist.
"Ugh after all Tyler said about you you are going to say yes to this pathetic loser!" F/n yells.
"Fuck you, all the things you said to me where a lie I know Tyler wouldn't say any of the shit about me!" I yell punching her.
"And no one and I mean NO ONE calls my boyfriend names." I say.
"So I suggest you leave us the hell alone and if you don't you're going to wish you did!" I say in her face.
"Pfft please what are yo-" she cuts herself off.
"Leave us alone!" I say as Tyler looks at me with worried eyes. F/n gets up and runs away and Tyler stares into my eyes.
"Why are you staring?" I ask
"Y-Y-Y/n, have your eyes always been... red?" he asks. I soon start to panic, I run over the glass to see a pair of red eyes staring back at me. No no no...
BAM My head kits something and the last thing I saw was Tyler talking, but who was he talking to and then, I blacked out.

Updating two times in a row yeah yeah YEAH! Okay im weird im sorry love you all xXxXx

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