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Quick A/N sorry for the weirdness in this chapter idk im running out of ideas.
No ones POV
Tyler walked out of the hospital that kept Y/N. Tyler felt like this was his fault. I could've helped more. Tyler though. Soon Tyler got home and Josh was sitting on the couch only in his Boxers¿
"Josh what the fuck get a shirt and some pants on." Tyler said when Josh looked at him.
"Why, you don't like what you see?" Josh said weirdly.
"Josh I have a fucking girlfriend so back away." Tyler says.
"Oh Y/N? she doesn't need to know a thing." Josh says walking closer to Tyler.
"Joshua Dun no." Tyler says getting more annoyed that his best friend wants to bang him.
"Come on Tyler, have you ever tried it?" Josh asked.
"No and I wont try it." Tyler said twisting the door knob but Josh grabs Tyler by the waist and smashes his lips onto Tyler's. Tyler's brain takes a second or so to realize what happened. Tyler's pushes Josh off of him and runs out if the house leaving Josh a little confused and disgusted. Josh now realizes what he did and he let his mind get the best of him. He got up and walked out of Tyler's house and walked to the hospital.
"Excuse me ma'am I am here to visit a friend." Josh says looking at the nurse.
"First and last name of you and your friend." The nurse says clearly not wanting to be there.
"I'm Josh Dun and my friend is Y/N Y/L/N." Josh says with a smile.
"Ahh yes Miss. Y/L/N room 124." the nurse said.
Josh walked into Y/N's room to see Tyler by her side crying.
"Y/N he kissed me I feel like I betrayed you, I told you I love you and wouldn't do anything to hurt you but now I know this will." Tyler says sobbing. Josh took a couple steps forward and put his hand on Tyler's shoulder.
"Get away Josh!" Tyler yells and Josh backs away making sure to leave enough space for Tyler.
"Tyler I'm so sorry my mind got the best of me." Josh says feeling genuinely sorry for Y/N and Tyler.
"Josh I have to tell her this happened the guilt is already eating me." Tyler says.
"No," Josh says, "I will tell her, that way she knows it was me who kissed you." Josh said. Tyler turns back to Y/N and kissed her forehead and says.
"Wake up soon buttercup I love you." Josh soon feels guilt rise up and it feels like he's about to through up. He ran out of the room and into the bathroom and then vomited. The nurses say him and took him in to see what the problem was. They had thought he was sick but nothing came up so they let him go back to the couple in room 124.
He walks back into Y/N's room to see Tyler asleep on the three long chairs. Josh turns around and calls an uber to take him home. Once Josh gets home his mother gives him a hug.
"Joshua hows Y/N?" Laura asks.
"How do you know about Y/N but shes okay I guess." Josh says.
"Tyler told me him and Y/N are together and Kelly told me the same thing." She says smiling.
"Mom." Josh says sighing
"Yes sweetie?" she says.
"Would you be mad at me if I kissed someone?" Josh asked cringing.
"Honey of corse not as long as you didnt get her pregnant." Laura says smiling.
"But what if that someone was a boy." He says.
"I would still be happy and support you." She said smiling.
"Okay what if that boy was Tyler?" Josh asks cringing. His mom smiled and said.
"Boy girl Tyler or anyone else, I will still love you, But you do know it would be right to tell Y/N when she gets out of the hospital and tell her why you did it." Laura says hugging Josh.
"I will." Josh says.
"That's my good son." She says messing up his yellow hair.
"I love you mama dun." Josh says getting up to go to his room.
"I love you too Joshua." His mom says laying down on the couch and falling asleep as Josh went to his room falling asleep in his bed he hasn't touched in 3 days.

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