Forever and Always

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Still no ones POV
Today was it today was the day, the last day of school for Tyler and Josh. It was the starting of June and It was Joshs Birthday today, The last day of school ever Josh is 18 and Tyler will be in a couple months. He decided to visit Y/N because he has been slaking a little bit due to his mind just flat out forgetting.
"Hey babe." He said sitting on the chair.
"Today is Josh's 18 birthday!" He cheered.
"I love you I'm sorry I haven't been visiting that much its more so been once every too week haha I'm sorry for that." Tyler said ashamed.
"Y/N once you wake up we will have so much fun!" He said looking at her a few tears running down his cheeks.
"Hey you will be 17 on November 15th." Tyler said smiling.
"I will be 18 in 6 months." He said.
Tyler laid his head on Y/N's chest. He cried silently as he heard her heart beat very slow faster than before but still slow. He cried even more hearing it beat and then stop for a minute or so than beating again. Her heart did this repeatedly until it got faster. Tyler had no clue what was going on until, Tyler felt a shaky hand on his back, he looked up and smiled.
"Y/N?" Tyler asked.
"Tyler?" She asked.
"I'm right here." He said
"Forever?" Y/N asked.
"And always." Tyler finished as Tyler reached up to her lips and kissed them softly.

You Will Never Know Why... [Completed✔️]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu