First Fight

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A/N aggressive actions and maybe some triggers read with caution. and stay alive. | - /
"Uhhh TYLER!!" we heard someone scream I presumed it was fans but boyy was I wrong, Jenna. Jenna has always tried to ruin my life and take Tyler away from me.
"Hi Jenna." Tyler said getting angry.
"Hey babe." Jenna said. I shook it off knowing Jenna's plans.
"Jenna I have told you this a million times I have a girlfriend." He said gritting his teeth.
"I know that silly it's me remember?" Jenna said inching closer to Tyler.
"Back off Jenna." Tyler says
"I am your girlfriend Tyler." Jenna says smashing her lips onto Tyler's. Her arms wrapped around his. I walked away with tearful eyes seeing that Tyler wasn't doing anything to get her off of him. I sat down far away from the fair I didn't know where the hell I was. I got millions of calls about 20 minutes after the Jenna incident. I decided to answer one swallowing the big thump in my throat.
"What Tyler!" I snap.
"Where the hell are you?" he asks aggressively.
"Why the fuck does is matter?!" I yelled.
"Because you take things to far I will just find you then." he yells.
"Good luck!" I yell hanging up before he could say another word or do the same.
10 minutes later he pulls up.
"Get in." he says eye glued to the road.
The ride "home" was silent just him coughing and sighing. We pass a circle K.
"Hey I'm going to walk into circle K." I say. Unlocking and getting out as he stopped at the stop sign.
I walked in.
******Drugs Involved up ahead***
"Can I get a pack of those please." I say pointing at a pack of cigarettes.
"Here you go." The man says handing me the pack as I walk out. I put the cigarette in my mouth and light it.
"Another 30 minute walk home." I laugh smoke coming out of my nose and mouth. I began to pick up my feet and listen to "I'm not okay (I promise)" by My Chemical Romance. I walked into Tyler driveway his car in the drive way.
"Great." I mumbled throwing out the cigarette and walking inside. He was one the phone.
"I don't fucking know Josh!" Tyler said before hanging up. He shot his head in my direction as I shut the door.
"Surprised you came." he says.
"I have no where to fucking go!" I yelled.
"Streets, Josh's house." he said.
"I really mad at you." he said.
"Mad at me?!?! Haha thats funny I'm not the one kissing my fucking ex in front of my girlfriend!" I yelled
"She forced it on me Y/N!" He yelled .
"WHAT?!" I yelled.
"WELL NOW YOU DO." Tyler yelled.
I walked out dropping my pack of cigarettes in the process.
"Fuck." I mumbled grabbing them.
"What the fuck are you doing?" tyler asked. But I already walked out.
I pooped the cigarette in my mouth lighting it walking up and down the streets. I walked into a near buy Mc Donald's. I ordered a Caramel frappe paid for it sat down looking for someone to call. U/N? nope, Y/A/N (your aunts name." nope, mom or dad who? Josh, nah, Tyler, definitely hell to the mother fucking no.
I get a text from Tyler.
"Speak of the ass hole." I mumble. It read.
"Come home."
Tyler❤️💘💏👅👄😏: Come home.
Y/N: No.
Tyler❤️💘💏👅👄😏: Why?
Y/N: Cause I'm done Tyler.
Tyler❤️💘💏👅👄😏: What?!
Y/N has read Tyler❤️💘💏👅👄😏's message
Y/N was active 2 minutes ago.
I am done Tyler seemed to not care, I ended up going home at 12:30am cigarette in mouth as I walked in Tyler was on the couch.
"Y/N?" he asked.
"What Tyler?" my voice my voice my voice trails of hold in a cough. He turns his head and looks at the cigarette.
"So this is where we come." he says.
"Yep." I casually reply.
He goes to his room as I lay on the couch letting sleep take over me.

You Will Never Know Why... [Completed✔️]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt