He must've forgotten that I'm 'PettyLabelle'.

"Look, I know you must hate me for the way that I've been treating you lately," Victor mutters. "But I promise you, Alexis, I've changed and I miss our friendship."

"What does that mean to me?" I deadpan. "I don't really care how you've been feeling."

"I know you don't, and I know that I don't deserve you to. But I want you to know that never once did I stop caring about you. I just didn't want to face the same kind of treatment that you did just for being your friend."

"That didn't stop Juan! People talked shit behind his back once me and him started hanging out again but he didn't let that phase him. If our friendship was really as important as you just made it out to be than you would've came to me earlier. But you decided to it at spring break when we go to your favorite place to vacation. Everything that you're saying to me rightnow is bullshit," I'm basically shouting right now and I couldn't give a damn if the rest of the neighborhood heard me.

"What more do I have to do to prove to you that I really care and that I really want our friendship back? Alexis, you know that you have always been like a brother to me, and not having you in my life has been so hard on me," I roll my eyes at his petiful attempts.

"You know the main reason why nothing that your saying means anything to me? It's because throughout your whole little testimony you've only giving the reasons that have affected you. You never considered me!" This bastard really had the nerve to come to MY house pleading his case on how us not being friends affects him and his life and never once did he consider all the things that he has put me throug.

And for that I will never forgive him until he realizes that he's not the only person affected.

"I'm sorry, okay! I know that I've never considered your feelings but it was because I was too stupid and homophobic to realize it," he sighs while trying to find the right words. "But now I've realized that what you do and who you do it with has nothing to do with me. I used to think that after you became gay that you would change and become this whole fruit bowl. But now I see that you've been gay all along and you're still the same Alexis that I've been friends with since middle school. And, as a friend and brother, I want him back." He finishes with hanging his head down sumberly while stuffing his hands in his joggers.

Well, I didn't expect that one bit. Who would've thought Victor Hernandez would ever say anything like that. However that doesn't change much.

His words leave me stuck in my spot with my eyes wide open. I don't even know how long it took me to say anything but I'm guessing a little while.

"Victor, I'm really glad you said what you've just said. Pero, I don't know if I'm able to forgive you. How could you forgive someone that has put you through so much and has just realized the damage they've caused. Down the road, hopefully the both of us can move forward from this. But rightnow I can't make that big of a move," I speak carefully as I watch his head drop in dissapointment.

"I understand Alexis, I'll give you as much time and space as you need," he says understandingly.

"That doesn't mean that we can't work on it though. I mean after all we are going to spend a week together in a cabin. Anything could happen."

And boy did I mean anything.


We leave today after school and I'm super excited.

With that being said I'm also super nervous too. I'm going to be living in a house with Jorge for a whole week with other people who don't cant know that we are together. I already know that we're gonna have to keep our distance from each other. But all I want to do is be around him.

"What's with all the sighing, Alexis," Benny comes out of nowhere and says. Rightnow we're the only one's at our table at lunch and everyone else is still in the line.

"Huh? I wasn't sighing," I defend myself.

"Huffing and puffing or sighing. Whatever you wanna call it, you were doing it."

"Shut up, bitch," I say jokingly. He chuckles.

"No forreal, whatcha thinking about?"

"Nothing, just how its gonna be so awkward at this cabin with Victor there now," it wasn't a complete lie. I just really didn't want to mention Jorge around him neither.

But sadly, he did anyways.

"Really? I was more concerned about you spending a week in a cabin with an asshole like Jorge."

"He's not a asshole," I snap quickly. Causing Benny to look at me in confusion.

"Why so defensive? What is he your boyfriend?" He chuckles.

I let out a fake amused sigh and that seemed to be good enough for him not to ask me any more questions about Jorge or anything for that matter. We sat through the rest of study hall in a comfortable silence.

I'm ready to get away from school and spend the week with Bae... and Juan... and maybe Victor too... a little bit.

A/N: I'm so sorry for this long as wait guys. A lot has been going on with me so just bear with me pls.


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