Jay shrugged. "What if he is right?"

"Nate doesn't want to be with anyone else, we both know that."

Jay sighed. "Now, he doesn't, but what if..."

"What if...what if.....Jay, you need to stop worrying so much and just enjoy it."

Jay nodded. He wished he could be as carefree as Tom, but he was a thinker and a pleaser. He couldn't just live for the now and ignore things.

He headed inside to one of the private rooms to make some phone calls. He had a lot to do for Nathan's party.

When Jay made his way back into the studio, Max was in the booth and Nathan and Ariana were laughing on the couch together. She was showing him something on her phone, which was apparently hysterical to him.

Jay headed over to Siva, who was sitting on the couch at the moment. Jay sat down so his back was against the armrest of the couch and he was facing Siva. "Hey, is Nareesha coming tomorrow?"

"Of course mate, she wouldn't miss baby Nath's b-day bash."

Jay smiled. "Awesome. We have a good crowd coming."

Just then Nathan came over and stood beside Jay, who was sitting. Jay put his arm around Nathan's waist as he stood there. Nathan played with Jay's curls. "What are you two boys chatting about?"

"When did you get to be so nosey?" Siva asked.

"Mate, I have always been nosey."

Siva laughed. "Very true."

Nathan looked down at Jay. "What are we doing tonight?"

Jay was about to answer, but he wanted it to be private. "Hey Siva excuse us." He said then stood up and pulled Nath to the other end of the room by his hand.

Nath was confused. "Is everything okay?"

Jay nodded. "Yeah. Actually, I was thinking of going out with my brother and some of his friends."

Nathan nodded. "Okay. You had to bring me over here to tell me that?"

"Maybe you could go to Ariana's party."

Nathan raised an eyebrow at him. "How do you know about that?"

Jay shrugged. "Not important. I think you should go though."

Nathan looked like he was trying to figure out how Jay knew.

"Nath, it is irrelevant. Are you going to go?"

Nathan shrugged. "Um I dunno. I guess I will now that you have plans."

Jay smiled. He was pretty proud of himself. He would show Max, he thought to himself.

Later on that night when Jay was at the pub, he tried hard not to constantly text Nathan. He missed him like crazy. He wished that they were both enjoying a beer and Nathan was sitting on his lap.

Tom, Jay's brother, knew something was up. "Okay bro, you are not acting like yourself. What is going on?"

Jay waved it off. "Sorry, just a bit tired mate."

"Ok that is a lie."

Jay smiled. "You'll laugh."

"I will not." His brother said.

"Well, I miss Nathan. I know I saw him today and we live together now...but....I just miss him. Okay?"

Tom rubbed his brother's back. "I would never laugh at that bro. Now, the pathetic look on your face, I can laugh at that." He teased.

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