Jay smirked then leaned in to whisper something in Nathan's ear. It made Nathan blush and smile. "I better get out before I can't stop myself."

Nathan waved at Jay as he drove away. He waited until he could no longer see Jay and then he headed into the house. He heard the familiar sound of piano scales being played. Must be a beginner, he thought to himself.

He made his way into the music room and saw his mother pacing near the piano as a young girl attempted to play a G minor scale. He smiled at how quickly he could recognize the sound. His mother had taught him well.

He waited in the doorway watching his mother do her thing.

"Almost dear. Try it again."

Deidra attempted the scale again. Halfway through the scale, she threw her hands up after messing up a few times. "Ugh, I will never get it!"

Nathan walked into the room. "Aw don't say that."

Deidra looked over her shoulder and gasped. "Oh my god." She said quietly to herself.

Karen smiled.

Nathan sat down beside the girl at the piano. "You're lucky. She used to withhold my dinner if I didn't get the scales right."

Karen's mouth dropped open. "Nathan James! I did no such thing."

Nathan leaned into the girl's ear. "She's lying. She'll never admit it."

Deidra giggled.

"Come on love. Let's try it again." He said encouraging her to play the scale again. "I'll play it next to you."

The young girl smiled and began to play. She only made two mistakes. After, she hugged Nathan. "Thank you so much!"

"Alright alright." Karen said. "Give us a second Nath so we can finish up."

He nodded. "Sure thing." He said then winked at the girl and got up. He headed for the kitchen.

In the kitchen, he put some water on the stove to make tea. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and held Jay's key in his hand. Leaning over the counter, he smiled down at the key between his fingers.

"I withhold your food?"

Nathan chuckled. "May have been a bit dramatic there."

"Thank you for helping out though. She is a sweetheart."

Just then the water began to boil. Nathan motioned to head over, but Karen put her hand up. "Let me do my motherly thing." She said with a smile.

Nathan relaxed back onto the counter stool. "Thanks mum."

"Anything for my favorite son."

He smiled.

"So? How was the big date?"

Nathan smiled wide.

She put the kettle down and turned to him. "What happened?" she asked in excitement. "Something big happened didn't it?"

"Mum. Calm down." He said unable to stop smiling.

She leaned over the counter and took his hands in hers. "Tell me tell me."

Nathan chuckled. "Well, he sort of got me a present."

Her eyes widened.

He reached for his keys and held up the key with the question mark to her.

She covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh my god." She cried then ran over to his side and hugged him.

"Mum, I think you are more excited then I am."

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