How I adored you

So close, so close

And yet so far away

Nathan smiled and closed his eyes listening to Jay's soft voice singing to him.

Headed for city lights

Climbed the ladder up

to fortune and fame

I worked my fingers to the bone

Made myself a name

Jay stopped for a few seconds to listen. He heard Nathan breathing slowly and letting out some soft moans. Just then Nano whispered on the phone. "Hey, it's Nano. He fell asleep."

Jay smiled. "Good. Thanks for taking care of him."

"It is what I do. Why I do it, I have no idea."

Jay laughed. "Well it is partly cause you get paid and mostly cause you LOVE US NANNNNNO."

Nano shook his head and smiled. "Maybe."

"G'night Nannnno."

"Nite." Nano said then hung up Nathan's phone and placed it on the nightstand.

The next day, Jay received a surprising text from Jolie.

Text from Jolie: Hey, James. I am in London. Would you fancy grabbing lunch together?

Jay sent her a text back and agreed.

When he got to the restaurant she was already there sitting at a table in the corner.


Jolie stood up and hugged him, kissing him on the cheek. "How have you been James?"

Jay shrugged. "A'right I suppose."

She nodded. "Good. How is Nathan?"

"He had to go to America for a bit, but he is doing well."

Jolie frowned. "Oh I am sorry. You must miss him."

Jay nodded. "Yes."

Just then the waitress came over to take their drink orders. After she left, Jay sighed. "So, not to be rude or anything, but is there something you wanted to talk to me about?"

Jolie smiled. "Well, I am very upset with your father at the moment. I moved out for a bit until he gets his shit together."

Jay felt guilty. "Listen, I never wanted me and my father's shit to interfere with your relationship. That was not my intention."

Jolie smiled and squeezed his hand on the table. "Oh I know that sweetie. I am just saying that I will not move forward with him until he at least makes things right with you."

Jay let out a chuckle. "Do you know my father?"

She laughed. "Well, I do know that he has a softer side and he does love you. He loves all of you kids."

"Even the gay ones?"

Jolie looked down. "Have you at least tried to call him?"

Jay looked insulted. "Me? He is the one that should be reaching out to me."

"I agree, but you may need to take the first step is all I am saying."

Jay shook his head. "It would just turn into a screaming match."

"Well, I have to say that before I left, he did seem torn up about it."

Jay was hearing what she was saying, but he couldn't imagine his father apologizing or even accepting his life one bit. He missed his mother more than ever.

Just then his phone buzzed. A goofy smile spread across his face.

Jolie smiled knowing that it must be Nathan.

Text from Nath: Thank you for last night. Feeling better. Going on at 9:30. Xoxo Nath

Text from Jay: Break a leg babe.

Jay looked back at Jolie. "Sorry, that was Nathan. He is about to sing a duet on an American morning show."

"Wow, that is amazing."

Jay nodded in agreement. "Talented little shit." He joked.

Jay's phone buzzed again. It was management. "Sorry I have to check this, it's work." He confessed.

"Go ahead. No problem." She said then picked up the menu to study it.

Jay was typing away frantically. Jay finally looked up. "I am so sorry, but they need me to travel. We are going to have to reschedule."

Jolie smiled warmly. "I totally understand." She said then stood up and gave him a big hug. "I am glad we got to talk."

"Me too." He said then waved goodbye and practically ran out of the restaurant.

Back in New York, Nathan was doing his last radio interview at around 1pm. He was very much looking forward to getting back to his hotel room and taking a long nap before the show tonight.

Nathan felt like his hotel room was a mile away as he walked down the hallway. Finally, he opened the door and walked in. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw what was on his bed.

He shook his head and widened his eyes. "Jay?"

Jay smiled with his arms crossed sitting on Nathan's bed with a rose between his teeth and a cheesy smile across his face.

Nathan ran over and jumped on him hugging him for dear life.

Jay quickly pulled the rose out of his mouth and tossed it aside holding onto his love. "Surprise." He said softly as they held each other.

Nathan pulled away and kissed him. Jay flipped him onto his back and kissed him back passionately.

Jay leaned on his elbows as he continued to kiss Nathan lying below him.

The long kiss quickly turned into Jay quickly kissing all over his jawline and then back to his lips. Nathan moaned as Jay's lips kissed him all over.

Nathan buried his face in Jay's neck and hugged him tight. "Mmmm." He moaned in absolute bliss. "Are you really here?"

Jay cupped Nathan's face and placed soft kisses all over his face. "Yes." He said then continuously rubbed his thumb across Nathan's cheek. "I couldn't stay away."

Nathan blushed. "Pinch me."

Jay looked at him like he was crazy. "It's only been a few days is this some weird kinky shit you picked up being in the states?"

Nathan laughed out loud. "No you dick." He said with a laugh. "I want to make sure I am not dreaming."

Jay smiled warmly. "I know a better way to tell that you are not dreaming." He said then placed a few soft kissing on his neck then moved his lips to Nathan's ear and whispered something dirty.

Nathan actually giggled. "That is not a way!"

"Let's make it one then." He joked.

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