Chapter 22: I'm Posotive

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I smiled down at one of the patients in the hospital as she went on about one of her daughters. I listened tentatively, fluffing her pillows to make sure that she was comfortable. Mrs. Thomas was going through the rough stages of breast cancer at just fifty-three years old, and didn't have much time left. Yet I admired her strength and will to smile each and every day she had left on this earth. I had become quite close to her during my internship here.

"She's a pretty girl, just like you Addie," She said in her smooth velvety voice, "'Cept she ain't no hot shot nurse. She's tryna get into that whole modelin' thing. Such a waste of good brains." She sighed.

I patted her hand and sat next to her bedside, "I'm sure she'll figure it out on her own time. Not everybody's calling is so clear to them at first."

She smiled at me, You're such a sweet girl. What's troubling you babygirl?"

Her question caught me off guard and I bit my lip softly, "You know, I'm not sure actually. I've just been felling weird lately."

"Weird how?"

"Physically really. I've just been really sick and I think it might be getting worse everyday. Can't really keep anything down, but I want to eat all the time. Been cranky too, my boyfriend really is starting to hate me." I chuckled to myself.

Mrs. Thomas giggled, clapping her hands over her mouth, "Addie you work in a hospital sweetie, and it never once crossed your mind that you might be pregnant?"

I snorted, "That's impossible."

"Chile, don't tell me what's impossible, I've had eight kids. I can tell you whole hardheartedly that you're expecting."


I drifted off, feeling the palms of my hands beginning to sweat. It really was impossible. I mean me and Khyree hadn't really been taking as much precaution as we maybe should have, but that's why I was on the pill. Unless...

"I'll be right back Mrs. Thomas." I got up quickly to go locate my purse. Inside I found my pills, studying them heavy. I counted out each one and damn there had a heart attack when I realized there were two extra. I recounted them again and bit my lip feverishly, trying to decide what the next move was.

I decided against calling Khyree, just in case this whole thing was a false alarm. Plus, he was always so busy with the club, I didn't want to disturb him. I thought about calling Lonnie but cursed to myself once I realized he was out of town for Thanksgiving next week. Irene was out of the question, I already planned on seeing her after my hours were over anyway.

Just when I thought I had run out of options, I thought of one last person.

I took a deep breath and speed dialed Nasir. He answered on the first ring.

"Adrienne?" I heard the worry in his voice.

"Can you do me a huge favor and pick me up a pregnancy test? I'm at the hospital if you can drop it off there." I said lowly.

I didn't hear anything and then, "You're in a hospital, don't you think it would be easier to take one there?"

I lowered my voice, "Don't get smart with me, I'm trying to do this shit discretely."

I heard him sigh softly, "I'll be right there. You know I gave you the number to my assistant, you should try giving her a call some-"

"Thanks." I cut him off, quickly heading down the hallway.

I waited anxiously by the bathrooms, twiddling my fingers and sipping on a bottle of water, the only thing I could keep down at the moment. If I was really pregnant, what would I do? I hadn't even earned my nursing degree yet, got a big enough place, or even proved my parents wrong. Most importantly, what about Khyree? He was so into making his club work that he might not even want to deal with something as serious as another kid.

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