Chapter 4: The Morning

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The warmth next to me was comforting.

I moaned and snuggled into it, the coziness felt heavenly at the moment. That is until I realized how out of the ordinary it was. I jolted up and looked towards the man in alarm, bunching the sheets up around my bare chest protectively. He was still sleeping, laying flat on his stomach and snoring lightly.

He had nice, smooth tan skin that went well with his jet black hair. His lips were full and pink, surrounded by his clean-cut beard. If I had to guess, I would say he was middle eastern. The comforter barely covered his bottom half, exposing me to his lean build.

I stared at him in horror for a while before groaning to myself. I had no clue who he was, and my apprehension grew at the thought of it being a stripper from last night.

I hadn't done something like this in a long time, too focused on my goals. Back in high school I was your typical vapid whore. Partying, spending money, and fucking anyone who would allow it.

And I mean anyone.

Despite this, those were the days that inspired me to get into the medical profession. It was the only reason I was so determined to accomplish just that, and I didn't require or want for any help.

The fact that I couldn't remember last night, or who this beautiful man was, was enough evidence enough to suggest that I had been drinking way too much. Also something I didn't usually do.

I slid out of bed and shrugged into a long shirt, slinking to the other side of bed. There was a crumpled pair of jeans and I fished inside of them until I found his wallet. I discovered his licence and examined it.

Nasir Smith.

He was exactly six feet, and even more attractive as his stoic gaze peered at me from his picture. His last name was surprisingly boring. I jumped when I heard a crash coming from my kitchen. When I got there, Irene was sipping on a mug of hot coffee. Salted caramel creamer, three spoons of sugar, and cinnamon sprinkled on top. This was the only way she ever liked her coffee.

I glared at her through my blurred vision, "You."

She smirked at me over the steam of her mug, "No, you. I see you had a little friend over last night. Coffee?"

I nodded at her and sunk into one of the two mismatched chairs I had in my tiny kitchen, watching as she pulled out a Mickey Mouse mug for me.

"So who is he?" I asked as she placed the cup in front of me, tossing just one sugar cube beside it along with two Aspirin for my killer headache.

She shrugged, "How the hell should I know?"

"I mean what the hell happened last night, I don't remember." I threw the sugar cube inside and washed down the Aspirin.

"Hm. Well, we left the strip club early last night because your punk ass made up some excuse about 'not being able to handle the atmosphere'. Then we went to a bar where you proceeded to get completely drunk off just two screwdrivers. I dropped your intoxicated ass off after that, I have no clue when that piece of sex in your bed got here."

I sighed in relief, realizing he wasn't a stripper.

Irene suddenly giggled and stuck her tongue out.


She grabbed my hand, "Oh baby. Hoe Adrienne is back, bitch. We bout to fuck it up."

I snatched my hand away from her, "Girl get off of me. It was a minor slip up, not gonna happen again. How did you even know he was here?" I wasn't surprised she was here so early. She was usually around so much, I had eventually decided to give her a key.

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