Chapter 10: Wild Thoughts

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"You going to class today?" Irene sipped on her vanilla bean frappuccino.

"Are you?" I checked the time and decided that I didn't have time for a shower if I did go.

"Yeah I am. Daddy said I have to actually start goin' to class or he's cutting off my money supply."

I rolled my eyes at how stupid she sounded. "Do you ever get tired of being a damn leech?"

Irene's father was the owner of several different car dealerships across Atlanta and her mother was a real estate agent. I had known her since our elementary school days and we grew up in the same circles.

Nothing but the rich and the white and the posh parties that attracted the 'cool kids'.

"Nope." She gave me a wink. "So are you going?"

"No." I muttered, stretching. Normally I would never pass up class, being too focused on my studies.

But lately I really just needed a cleansing, and today felt like that day.

"Awe, ditching class for your stripper man?" She pouted.

"Awe, still dating Ike Turner?" I fake pouted back and she threw me her middle finger.

"Fuck you bitch." Irene left, slamming the door behind her.

I sighed, putting my head in my hands. I knew that was probably a low blow, but any mention of Khyree's very unusual career still made me uncomfortable despite the fact that he had explained his reasoning.

We'd been texting non-stop for the past few weeks, and I had to admit even to myself that I didn't mind seeing where this was going. I was so hesitant though, being that I still wasn't sure of his true intentions.

I decided to ask him tonight. He had just gotten a new place and was real excited to show me.

I'd call Irene later and apologize.

For the moment though, I decided I need to get out. I texted Lonnie from the club, asking if he wanted to go out.

He immediately texted back and agreed to meet me at a spa a few blocks from my house. I threw on a black hoodie, leggings, Nike slides, and bamboo earrings. I skipped my make up and applied a thin layer of gloss instead.

When my cab pulled up to the spa, I immediately spotted Lonnie. His caramel skin glowed even though the sky was covered in overcast, and I made a mental note to ask him his skin care regimen later.

"Hey pretty." He cheesed at me and I giggled.

"I could say the same thing about you."

We went inside and chatted about nothing in particular. I decided on getting a pedicure and he followed suit.

"So I saw you talking to Khyree at the club a couple weeks ago. What was that about?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Why? Are you interested? I'll pass it along." I closed my eyes as the massage chair started to work its magic.

"In his homophobic ass? Hell no! Unless he's just still in the closet..."

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