Chapter Forty Nine 'Escape'

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Our next confrontation happened a few minutes later.
This time there were two men chatting in the hall, their guns held tightly to their chest as they faced our direction. There's no way we could pull of a surprise attack well not in my eyes so I waited for Mr J to give me my orders. I really didn't want to screw everything up and get us killed.
"Time to put your acting skills to the test little doll, go distract them for daddy" Mr J smirked petting my cheek.
Nodding my head I put a sad look on my face and let the fake tears fall, there was no way I could mess this up!

"" I sobbed rounding the corner with my arms raised in surrender.
I jumped as both men aimed their gun at me before realising I was just a helpless girl making their defence go down as quickly as it came.
"Jesus fucking Christ darling I almost shot you!" One of them exclaimed with a glare.
"I...I..I''" I continued sobbing walking towards them.
I watched as both men began smirking evilly, their eyes filled with perversion. I gulped at this, now I was generally fearful for my safety.
Was everyone in this house a pervert?!
"Come here baby we could never refuse a woman as beautiful as you" the same man who spoke before bit his lip as his eyes travelled over my body.
Once I was close enough the other guy wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest before cupping my ass in his hands.
"I think we could have some fun with this one, what do you say darling? Do you want to come play with us?" He purred giving my right butt cheek a harsh slap.

Raising my leg up I quickly shot my knee into his man jewels.
"I've had enough of you creepy weirdos!" I spat as he fell to his knees with a loud yelp.
"Oh you're gonna regret that sunshine!" The other man sneered in disgust.
Before I could register what was about to happen he slammed his fist into my face, knocking me to the ground where he began to slam his foot repeatedly into my balled up form. I couldn't stop the grunts that left my lips each time his foot connected with my body.

Relief ran through me as gunshots echoed off the walls and both men dropped beside me, dead!
A real sob left my mouth feeling Mr J wrap his arms around me and gently pull me up from the ground. Cupping my face he looked at me crossly.
"I said distract them not get yourself beat up!" Mr J growled looking over my freshly wounded body.
"Well sorry for not being a fabulous criminal like you! They tried to touch me!" I snapped letting my tears flow.
"I know baby, daddy's here they can't hurt you anymore" he cooed becoming soft as he wrapped me up in his arms and kissed my head.
"Now would be a good time for evil Ember to come out" Mr J continued pulling away from me.
"She only comes out when I'm really angry daddy I don't know how to force her into appearing" I admitted with a sigh of disappointment.
"Very well" he replied giving my bruised ribs a harsh poke.
"Why would you do that?!" I hissed in pain slapping his hand away.
"I'm trying to make you angry!" He snapped giving me evil eyes.
"Could you not do it another way? That shit hurts you big pea head!" I whined covering my mid sections.

"How did it feel having MO's dirty hands caressing your body? Did you like it when he squeezed your little nipples mmmm? Did it make your sweet pussy wet? He wanted nothing more than to slam his old cock into you honey and turn it inside out, funny thing is you would have loved every second! Any cock will do for a slut like you!" Mr sneered manically.

"That just makes me feel sick and upset instead of mad" I whimpered, my bottom lip trembling at his words.
"Forget it little doll! Daddy's sorry, let's just keep moving" he sighed placing a gentle kiss on my quivering lips and wrapping his arm protectively around my waist.
Snuggling into his side I let him guide me down some stairs, I knew where we were now. The exit was close and this made me more excited than going to a buffet.
"Where's Mo?" I asked in a whisper trying not to attract more attention.
"Do you really think I would let him get away with touching my little doll? No I made sure to gut him first ahahahahaaaaaaaaa!" He cackled, his blue orbs turning black.

Soon and much to my relief we were walking through the exit. I could see our car in the distance and the closer we got the more safe I felt.
"What happened in there?" I questioned with a confused frown.
"Alexander and I were set up that's what happened! Mo wasn't the one stealing from us we were falsely informed" Mr J growled angrily, a bitter look on his face.
"By who?"
"Anonymous little doll but I'll find out and they'll wish their mother swallowed them instead!" He snarled making me slam my hand over my mouth to stop my giggles from spilling.
This wasn't funny........who was I kidding it was hilarious!

Reaching the car Mr J ripped open the door and pushed me inside where I found Alex sat there, a furious look matching Mr J's on his face.
"Thank god you guys are alive! Can you believe it J, A FUCKING SET UP! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" Alex roared clenching his fists.
"We'll talk about this later, right now I'd like to get home and sleep!" Mr J mumbled pushing his head against his seat and growling in irritation.
I once again sat between them awkwardly as they both growled, roared and grumbled making the air feel poisonous.

Letting them get on with their moods I let my mind start to wander.
Mr J had seemed so disappointed when he realised I couldn't fight or even hold a gun. I thought I would pick some skills up over the years but being in a situation like the one tonight made me realise how weak I really was.
Harley was so good at being a criminal and I sucked majorly, why was I so bad at everything?
I could have got us all killed!
Mr J had the right idea by sending me out with Alex and I should have done as I was told.

"Daddy?" I whispered turning to face Mr J.
"Hhhmm little doll?" He mumbled opening his eyes to look at me.
"Will you train me?" I asked giving him a small smile.
"Train you?"
"Yes to defend myself, I want to be able to fight and shoot a gun properly. I've realised how bad I am and would like to fix it" I explained.
"No" was all he muttered making my heart drop.
"Why?!" I exclaimed gripping his arm.
"Because you are never coming on another mission! You will stay at home and be a mother to our child! I will no let you die!" He growled fiercely making my temper flare.
"Please daddy! Pleaseeee!!!" I pleaded gripping him tighter.
"I said no Ember! Now stop this and shut up, this conversation is over!" He snapped ripping his arm away causing me to huff and slam my head into my seat.

I sulked all the way home, refusing to speak even when Alexander said his goodbyes as we dropped him off home. When we reached our house I shook my head and jumped out the car, storming forwards like a misbehaved child.
"Stop right there woman!" Mr J ordered as I walked through the entrance.
Letting out a mumbled curse I crossed my arms and waited for him to reach me.
Standing in front off me he leaned his face into mine and gave me a stern glare.
"Meet me here at 6am, do not be late Ember or you'll regret it!" He barked before turning around and heading up the stairs.
"Wait! You're going to train me!" I called out in excitement.
"Don't make me repeat myself little doll! Now get some sleep you'll need it" Mr J sang causing a big smile to cross my face.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow!
I could do this!
Soon the enemy would fear me too and I could kick Mr J's arse when he bossed me around.
This was perfect!

His Innocent Little Doll:FamilyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang