«Chapter 1»

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"How are y'all?"Mr. Panapinto ask in his southern accent. His blond hair, blue eyes, sweet smirk made me feel a bit comfortable.

"We're doing fine, actually more then fine"I smile at him. "Kevin job gave him a raise so he at the top now and I'm doing good...."

"Any signs of children talk? You know, lil Kevins, lil dymonds running around the house"Mr. Pan smile at me.

I chuckle a bit looking down at my painted pedicure toes that I got done yesterday. I don't want to tell him that I'm pregnant. I know how Mr. Panapinto is. "Ummm," I said. He nods his head writing something down.

"So, I want to talk to Kevin about y'all relationship. Seems like y'all doing good for 5 years" he smiles.

"Sure, I'll let him know"I stood up and grab my Gucci bag Kevin bought me for my birthday. "Have a nice day Mr. Panapinto" I waved at him.

"Please, call me Paul" he smiled. I walk out of the office to the main lobby. There was this young couple not even looking at each other. I wonder what's wrong with them. But it's nun of my business. 'Leave it alone dymond'

"Mr. and Mrs. Bruno" Mr. Paul called them. They both got up and didn't even hold each other's hand or smile walking in. Young couples divorce early.

"Who are they?"I ask.

"Some young kids, think that marriage is an easy thing but it isn't"the lady at the front desk said. A little smile appeared at the edge of my mouth. I remember when I and Kevin got married. It was a dream come true.

"I should leave"I grab the paper that she gave me. I look at it seeing that I have another appointment next month with Mr. Paul and Kevin have to come with me.

I walk to my bright red Corvette that was sitting pretty between two Nissans. I scoffed at the cars unlocking my car door. I open the door and hop in. I sat in the car for a bit touching my belly. I'm 5 weeks pregnant and the bump is showing. A little.

I start the car up hearing the engine roar. That's what I love about this car. It makes me tingle when it starts up. I back up from the parking spot and turn the car to the right. I put it in drive and took off from the office.

As I was driving, I was thinking to myself. Look how far I came. I have a beautiful home, loving husband, and I'm having a baby. Life is going great.


"BABY IM HOME!"I came in the door taking off my red bottoms. I heard the TV on but I didn't see Kevin. Where is this man? I walk to the kitchen, no Kevin. I walk to our room, no Kevin. "KEVIN!" just then the door open to the garage.

"Damn baby, I can hear you all the way in the garage" he smiles at me shaking his head. "Give me a kiss" he pokes his lips out.

I kiss his lips softly but he pulls me in kissing me passionately. "I love you," I said.

"Love you to baby" he rubs my stomach. "Can't wait for a Jr to come"he smiled.

"A Jr. What if it's a ballerina?"I smile sitting on the bar stool.

"Nahhhhh. You don't want to have a girl" he smiles while taking a bite of the chips that were on the counter.

"Why not?"I look at him confused.

"Cause you spend too much money on them. Trust me, I know"

"Your mom" I laugh.

"Yeaaaa, she spent at least $200 or more on Kaylee," he said.

"What about your sister? Is she doing good"

"Yeah, she's up and going. We haven't told them about the baby yet" he walks up closer to me.

"Not yet baby. Maybe when they have a dinner party" I said.

"Okay, I got you" he nods his head and walks to the fridge. He grabs himself a water bottle. "Want some?"

"I'm good" I got down from the bar stool and walk to our room. I walk in the room seeing the sun hitting the window pane. I can tell it's about to be evening time. How the sun's moving.

I laid down in bed sighing heavily. It's been a long day.

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