"Have you ever been on a plane before?" I asked after a moment or two of taking in everything that the pilot said.

"Nope, never." He said. He didn't look nervous or anything, which was good. I just wonder how he'll do during takeoff though.

There were a few more people still getting settled in and seated, but after that the pilot came back on to announce that we would now be taking off and to buckle our seatbelts. I looked over at Vic, and noted that he looked a little worried, or even scared, but it seemed like he was trying to hide it.

The engine started up, and we started slowly moving forward, then slowly moving up. As always my stomach dropped into the pit of my stomach and I felt that little surge of energy go through me. I was taken a little off guard though when I felt Vic's hand tightly grab my arm, he was literally holding on for dear life. I looked over to see his eyes shut tightly and his body all tense, and I couldn't help but laugh at how funny he looked. It was like he was about to get a huge shot or something.

When we were done and up in the air, Vic un-tensed and peaked his eyes open. When he finally looked at me and gave me a 'don't judge me look', probably because I was holding back a laugh. I smiled and shook my head a little, pulling my arm away from his grip, because in all honesty it was starting to hurt.

"That was the most horrible thing ever, and I want you to know that I'm going to take a cab back to San Diego." He said, being completely serious. I started laughing at how ridiculous he was being, attracting attention from the other passengers.

"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad." I told him, still laughing slightly.

"Are you kidding? I thought I was going to die or something, I felt like my stomach was literally having a heart attack, and just no. Never again. Nope no thanks." He said.

"Alright you wimp, but when you get stuck in a cab with an old man who listens to polka music the whole ride home, don't complain to me." I teased him. He rolled his eyes in fake annoyance, turning away to cross his arms over his chest.

"Aw, is the poor baby upset?" I teased some more in a mommy voice. He whipped around to look at me, if I didn't know him very well I would've thought he was mad at me, but I saw him trying to hold back a smile.

"If you don't shut up I'll throw you out the window and let the pigeons have their way with you." He threated.

"Then who would you get to do your laundry?" I shot back, amused at his face when he realized that I was winning. But knowing Vic he doesn't go down without a fight.

"I'll hire one of the pigeons to do it." He told me smoothly. I silently mocked his answer while making a funny face, finally causing him to break into a smile.

"You're too much, Quinn." He said, bumping his elbow into my arm.

"Says the guy who's about to take a cab from Michigan to San Diego." I fired back with a smile. He started laughing with me, and eventually we both fell into a comfortable silence.

This is the kind of stuff I love about him, how we're able to act like lovers one moment, then best friends the next. I've always dreamed about having something like this, someone like him, but I never thought that it would've ever came true.

The remainder of the ride was spent with me teasing Vic about how he wouldn't take his seatbelt off, and Vic pretending to be mad at me. All and all it was a good time, I found out some new stuff about him, like how he used to have a hamster named snowball, and that it always used to escape it's cage and poop all over his room. I also found out that he had some family that lived here, but they're on bad terms so they don't speak to each other.

Landing was interesting too, Vic practically cut the circulation off my arm during it. I told him if my arm becomes defective from the amount of abuse it's been through today, than he had to give me his. But that only resulted in him sticking his tongue out at me, and me throwing a water bottle at his face. We got yelled at by the flight attended for it, but I don't care, I was having fun with my boyfriend.

We walked off the plane, and got our luggage. Immediately I checked my phone to see if Jesse had texted me, you see he was supposed to be meeting me here, that way we could go straight to Justin's house. It turns out I did get a text, but it wasn't what I wanted to hear.

From Jesse: Hey man, I can't pick you up because I have to clean the house, so you'll have to take a cab. I'm sorry, but I'll see you later bro!"

I frowned at the text, bummed that I wouldn't be able to see Jesse until later on that night, but at least it gave us a chance to get settled into the hotel before we went to Justin's. I told Vic the plan, and he nodded, agreeing.

"Sorry you didn't get to see Jesse." He said, sounding sympathetic.

"It's okay. No big deal." I said, offering a smile that he returned.

We walked out the doors of the airport, and I got out my phone to call a cab. While dialing the numbers though, I heard a car horn. Not just any car horn, it sounded like Jesse's. I looked up from my phone quickly to see Jesse standing there with his car door open and his hand on the horn.

I instantly dropped my luggage where I was, and started sprinting towards Jesse. Our bodies collided when we met in the middle, and we hugged each other for dear life. "Thought you weren't coming." I said into his chest, feeling tears stinging my eyes now that I was finally reunited with my best friend.

"I lied." He simply said, finally pulling apart after like five minutes. By then Vic caught up with us, holding all the luggage, and was sorta standing there awkwardly.

"Okay," I started, while wiping the tears from my eyes, "Vic, this is Jesse, Jesse this is Vic." I said, then stepped back to let them shake hands.

"Nice to finally meet you, Kellin never stops talking about you." Jesse said, and my cheeks burned red while I gave Jesse a glare.

"Nice to meet you too." Vic chuckled, then shook his hand.

"Alright, so let's go see the rest of the guys." I suggested, not wasting any time. This was going to be great.

You Stole My Heart With Your Diamond Blue Eyes (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now