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Seventeen years seemed like a long time but it's not really. 

For the first fourteen years of my life I was happy, I was always happy. I was one of those kids that had lots of friends; lots people liked me a lot, just because of how I talked to them. Most weekends I would have sleepovers with my closest friends. We'd watch movies all night and gossip about boys. It was so much fun.

Then on my birthday, fourteenth of February, Valentine's Day, I'd have parties everyone would come. I was just so well liked. My parents were so happy on the day I was born, I was told anyway. 

Then when I was one and a half my sister was born, she was gorgeous, they named her Millie. She was my best friend. And when she hit the age of thirteen I taught her how to put on makeup and make her hair look pretty. She was the one the boys always looked at and sometimes it made me jealous but I still loved her.

When I was fourteen we moved, Millie and I had to move to a new town, I was starting high school with no one I knew. It made it difficult for me because I left all my friends I'd known since before I started school. Most people were nice to me; I made friends easily with a couple of people, fortunately.

Then at the start of junior year it started to happen.

I was seventeen when I made my decision that changed my life forever.

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