(M/Y x F/R) The Lord's precious rose (marluxia/luraniam) *kingdom hearts*

Start from the beginning

Days later
You were in your room laying on your bed trying to go to sleep but something wasn't right even thou the others said that Luxord owned up to doing the prank. Then a corridor of darkness opened up in your room and a tall hooded figure appeared. You sat up.
"Have you heared of knocking" you said to the tall figure epecting it to be one of the other members.
"Is that really how you would greet me upon my return" the hooded figure replied in his sly yet disappointed voice and you froze knowing who it was... Marluxia. He took the hood off to reveal his face his blue eyes staring at you.
"Marluxia... I though you were dead" you said
"Well yes and no I'll have to explain later but now your coming with me whether you like it or not" he said while grabbing onto your hand.
"No, let me go! Help!" You screamed out trying to get him to let go.
"Why do you have to make things so difficult (name), hmm?" he whispered while covering your mouth. You started trashing around, kicking at every thing you in your foots reach you didn't care what you broke as long as you could stall him and try to get the other members attention.
"Stop wriggling around... no actually keep going... tire yourself" he whispered before chuckling. The adrenaline was rushing through your veins and you went to bite his hand but as if he could read your mind he pushed his hand in your mouth so his thumb and index finger was pushing against your jaw preventing you from closing your mouth and muffling your voice.
"Your like a rose without thorns... defenseless, so why don't you just give up" he said while opening a corridor of darkness.
"You're not suited as the organization's lap dog, do you even know the organization's real motives" he whispered while draging you towards the corridor. You tried to scream out to the others but his jaw locking grip prevented you. You were quickly slipping into the black depths of sleep.
"Good night dear...sleep well" was the last thing you could hear before sleep had taken you away. you just hoped that this was all just a terrible nightmare ...

You woke up and you saw that you weren't in your room. You looked around the room, White ceiling, pastel pink walls, white floor and no furniture except for the bed you were on. The perfect place for a bloody murder to happen, a room to paint with blood. The room was dimly lit by the windows which were covered by leaves and rose blooms. Last night wasn't a dream... you hopped off the bed and walked to the white door and slightly turned the handle.... the door was unlocked. You opened the door sightly and looked outside. A long hallway with worn out wallpaper which was peeling and an old red rug covering the water damaged timber floor. You cautiously stepped outside the room trying not to make a sound just in case Marluxia was still around. You started off slowly walking but the adrenaline kept telling you 'faster! faster! He could be here any minute' making you go faster. You finally got to the other side and you saw a long flight of stairs on the left and another hallway on the right. Your choice was to go down the stairs of course. You took a few steps down... you could see freedom within your reach, the door plain in sight.
"Yes!" You whispered in happiness. Then you felt something speedily raming into your legs sweeping you off your feet, a thorny vine! You screamed as everything slowed down and you analyzed your situation, in midair on a staircase... this was gonna end badly. You closed your eyes bracing for your impact with the flight of stairs. Your head and shoulders slammed into the stairs. You looked up with a dazed expression as the pain slowly kicked in.
"Ah~ the lovely sight of your heaven high hopes being crushed into the lowest depth of hell... and not to mention how cute you look when you're scared" Marluxia said with a sinister grin on his face, looking down on you from the top of the stairs. You tried to move your limbs but they hurt so much when you tried to move them, well at least you didn't break your spine from the fall. You looked at your legs and saw deep gashes from where the thorns dug into your skin, a familiar red liquid flowing from the gashes.
"Marluxia... you... you diabolic monster" you murmured in pain.
"I'm not a nobody anymore so Don't call me by that name ever again or you'll regret it, so... from now on you'll call me by my real name, Luraniam, understand (name)?" he said while summoning his scythe but something wasn't right. His scythe started to bend and warp it's form till it was something completely different... it had become a keyblade and he pointed the blade at you.
"I know you want to kill me... so why don't you just do it... end my life... hear my screams in pain fade away with my body" you said holding in your tears, you knew it would only amuse him more. He gave you a wide eyed look obviously confused by your words He walked to you and picked up you limp body holding yours close to his...
"You really believed what I said, your so gullible (name). I'd never kill you, I just like to see the emotional being that you are... and when I see you cowering in fear... I know that only I will protect you... I'll make everyone who trys to lay a finger on you dissappear" he whispered in your ear you felt an unusual feeling in your chest, a powerful beating. Like something was about to explode inside your chest.
"oww... my chest hurts" you murmured holding your chest in pain.
"Hmm not use to a heartbeat are we? Don't worry it's normal you'll get use to it" he said hugging you.
"Why are you doing this?" you said. You were near the point where you couldn't hold back your tears.
"Because I love you, you made me realize why destiny set me on this long painful path. To find you, you are the most precious person in the whole universe... your the precious rose thats beauty is beyond compare... your silky hair, your gleaming eyes. I need to protect you at all costs even if you fear me, even if I have to kill or destroy" he said.
"Your deranged, I'll never love you" you said to him. His dreamy mood instantly turned into the cruel one that you were most familiar with. He then let go of you and raised his hand and gave you a strong backhander that sent you tumbling down the rest of the stairs. He walked down to the bottom of the staircase and stood next to you.
"A few hundred years of existence can drive most into insanely... I think I'm doing better then most would have. You really don't understand how big of a mistake your making! as I said before, I would protect you at all costs! even if I have to be the one to inflict pain onto you!" He started yelling. He then leaned down to you.
"I'll make you love me! I'll have my way, I always do, my precious rose" he whispered.

It went on for days, weeks, months and years. His ways of threatening you in the organization seemed like luxury compared to the living hell that is now. Fear, pain and sadness were the only things you could feel now...

You were in bed. Luraniam's arms tightly wrapped around your waist. You couldn't sleep. You were afraid of what he'd do to you if he found you asleep and what kind of twisted memories you would see that had been locked in his brain.

(Word count 2361)
(hello my yandereholics, welcome to my new series and I told you the one shots would be lengthy... I smashed my previous record!
Now ok alot of you maybe asking 'yanderealert why did you choose Marluxia out of all the characters?' If your a fan of kingdom hearts. Well it's because I'm cosplaying as him for animecon early next year... so I getting in character. FABULOUS and DIABOLIC.
Til next time.
good bye my yandereholics♡)

By the way this was before Tetsuya Namora said that they were not the same person T^T. Really Namora really

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