Chapter 12: Transferring to a new room

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After a few days, Jessica wasnow  buried to the cemetery and Bianca had the other duplicate key incase she want to visit Jessica.

Suddenly, a quarrel began in the classroom and since the Principal passed by, He saw what happened and since Bianca was a transferee, she is needed  to be transferred to another section momentarily for a discussion to be discussed on her section and guess what, Bianca was transferred to Mark's section. It's been a long time since Mark and Bianca have not met and still, both have feelings for each other even though what Mark did was wrong.

Mark's classmates started teasing both Bianca and Mark and their adviser shouted to shut up and Bianca became seatmates with Chris who is very quiet and not that type of person who talks to his classmates.

Their adviser made a challenge to Bianca that she should know at least 10 facts about Chris and since Chris is sleeping by his desk, he didin't heard what the class was talking about until Bianca looked at Chris and waked him up and said;

          "  oh? ugh...what happened? " 

and Chris began to enlargen his eyes because he is Bianca's seatmate and Bianca's making me happy.Classes started and Chris began sleeping again, Bianca turned around to another classmate and told about Chris;

          " Hey Bianca, Chris is not that talktative as you expect .Chris doesn't talk to people unless there is something important and nobody really hangs out with him and If I were should give up on the challenge, you are not gonna be successful in that challenge,and I bet that. "

Bianca is finding a way to talk to Chris and she already have one in mind.

See Chapter 13 on what Bianca did to talk to Chris

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