Chapter 8: the bumpy road

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(Fast Forward of time) It's been a month of Mark and Bianca's relationship.But somehow, Mark and Bianca are getting mad at every other day because they have no time for each other than last time, they always catch up in school everyday but now, Mark is starting to act like a little boy. Bianca is now getting orders from Mark since Mark knows that Bianca is rich. Bianca's is starting to think of turn offs from his boyfriend Mark. 

Bianca asked Jessica if she thinks that it's better to cool off for her and Mark.Jessica hurriedly said

          " YES BIANCZ " 

and then at school, after classes..Bianca and Mark started to get serious near the avr room,

Mark:  babe, why do I have to come all the way here?

Bianca: I think we should cool off, you're becoming strange and strange


Bianca: so? do you accept it?

Mark: FINE *Mark leaves with noisy footsteps*

Bianca was crying and curious why was Mark acting strange and like that? She didn't expect that Mark will be like that because Mark was always a gentleman to Bianca.By the time Bianca was going home, she immediatly done her assignment and reviewed well for a test on her three subjects and passed those hours, no text from Mark.Mark wasn't worried at all because he was too busy gambling with his friends in the computer shop.

One Saturday night, Jessica saw Kimberly on Mark's motorcycle and was shocked because it was MARK'S MOTORCYCLE.Jessica secretly hides from them and puts out her cellphone.Mark holded Kimberly's arm and sat at some bench under the tree and Mark kissed Kimberly LIP TO LIP. Jessica saw and recorded what happened and ran away back to her house as fast as she could.Neither Kimberly and Mark saw her recording them but still, Jessica ran as fast as she can and called Bianca and;

Jessica : BIANCZ! Can I come to your house tomorrow? I have to show you something that you really need to see.

Bianca: HEY JESSIE! Oh sure, looks like it's a need-to-know indeed. Come here past 3:00 okay?

Jessica: sure Biancz, I'll be right over

( Is Jessica gonna share the video or keep it as a secret? Find it out at Chapter 9 )

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