Chapter 2: Nice to meet you

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after classes, Bianca managed to finish her assignments and manages to open her Facebook account and after 30 minutes, someone wants to have a conversation and this someone is named,Mark. Mark is the crush of the Sophomore batch and he got attracted to the new student named Bianca.

as said from ther conversation:

Mark: Hi

Bianca: Hello

Mark: can I have your number?

Bianca: umm, sure. just don't give my number to others okay?

Mark: sure :)

and now that Mark knows Bianca's number, Mark was happy like he won the lottery or something because he had Bianca's number.Then by time they both logged out, Bianca received a text message from her phone and it's from Mark.Bianca never got to use her phone because she always tends to be online for everyday(unless there is internet). Then goes their conversation:

Mark: Hey Bianca! it's me Mark :)

Bianca: oh, Hi Mark! 

Mark: so, How are you?

Bianca: oh, fine I guess :) what about you?

Mark: never better, haha! 

then goes some parts that they usually talk about alot of stuff especially what are their likes and dislikes and some stuff happening at the school, they were texting for like until 10:00 p.m. and both of them got tired and said;

Bianca: oh hey Mark, I have to sleep now, I need to wake up early for tomorrow also.It was nice talking to you :)

Mark: oh sure, me either.It was nice talking to you also.Good night & Sweet Dreams though. see you tomorrow,after classes?

Bianca: oh sure, Goodnight though ;)

Mark's smile was lookin' like a clown and he was so overwhelmed by joy because of his conversation with Bianca.

(find out what happens next to Bianca and Mark in Chapter 3)

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