Than Me

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Yoshiko finished the test first.

Of course it was a piece of cake for her. She saw Takamura Otsuya cheating but decided to leave him be since she knows how painful bad grades can be.

Yoshiko was walking down the hall to go where Kuramochi's classroom is once she finished. She has a habit in the exam week to quietly peek at Kuramochi while he's doing his work.

She was turning in the corner when she saw Kuramochi already out of the classroom with his bag swung across his shoulder cooly as he looked outside the window.


Kuramochi looked up and raised an eyebrow, "I was wondering how long it would take you to get here."

Yoshiko rolled her eyes, walking towards the boy. "Are you done? Seriously?"

"What?" Kuramochi said in a pretend-hurt tone. "You don't think I'm smart?"

Yoshiko starred at him before snickering. "I do actually."

Kuramochi gasped and put one hand that is not holding his bag on his chest. "Yoshiko-chan! I'm hurt!"

Yoshiko rolled her eyes once again and put her index finger on Kuramochi's hand, pushing on it like a button. "You should be."

"Hey, you know what?" Kuramochi suddenly said, after a few moments of looking at Yoshiko before looking away.



"Ughhh," Yoshiko crossed her arms, looking down on the window to see that the school yard is empty.

"Since the exams are over..."

"...right. You won't be needing me anymore." Yoshiko was silently happy about this since she doesn't have to stay outside until late with a boy anymore, but she is also a bit sad cause it means her quality time with Mocchi would decrease.

She realised that just a few days ago.

"Pshh," Kuramochi pushed Yoshiko's forehead backwards. "I'll need you forever. I'll die without you."

"Whattt," Yoshiko scrunched her nose in disgusts.

"Anyways," Kuramochi looked away from Yoshiko once again. "Let's go."

Yoshiko raised an eyebrow, "Where?"


"You wanna go practice?" Yoshiko asked, she was about to scold him for not resting after such a mental draining week before—

"No, you idiot," Kuramochi took a deep breath before putting his hand on Yoshiko's head. "I mean like, let's go around you know. Walk around."

Yoshiko stayed silent for a minute before gasping dramatically, stepping backwards away from Kuramochi's hand. "You're asking me out?!"

Kuramochi bit his lips, before grabbing Yoshiko's ear. "I just asked you if you wanna walk around, you stupid."

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