I Swear

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Yoshiko is used to staying up all night - in one occasion she didn't sleep for 3 days and it results on her almost being crashed by a car. She also had problems regarding reality and dreams but that's a problem for another day.

The point is, two weeks after the festival she went to, Kataoka-kantoku wants her to go survey other schools. Yoshiko was excited about this of course, because she get to go undercover as the Seido's representative of the school's newspaper club. She even got an ID card that has her face and something about news club or something.

The one that got her attention is of course, the mighty Inashiro. Ryousuke had bad-mouthed them when he went home a few months ago. He'd talk about them 22/7 (the rest is for discussion on baseball theories with Yoshiko) in the dining table or while practicing with Haruichi to the point where he was so pissed off at them that he started cursing and ended up being locked up in his room by their mom.

For 3 days. Which sucks because Haruichi shared a room with him and Haruichi would have to sleep in the couch.

Anyways, back to the topic, Yoshiko was dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt. She held a small book in her hand and a pen which ink are blue. She also had a camera bag slung over her shoulder.

Tetsu-san was supposed to go but Yoshiko refused, seeing that they might recognized him. She could go alone, she's a big girl.

Well now she's regretting being a big girl since literally everyone in the club was double, maybe triple, her size.

Yoshiko sighed a little, fiddling with the end of her shirt, studying closely through the fence as she went to sit beside the alumnus of the school.

"Aish what is Narumiya doing these days?" She heard one man going, "He's getting cockier. Was he like this on his previous school?" Yoshiko turned to the source of the noise, seeing three young men in casual clothes, but it seemed like they have been here for a while.

"Which one is Narumiya-san?" Yoshiko asked him, encouraging herself to scoot closer to him.

"Hmm you don't know which one he is? Why are you here then-"

"Don't be rude," another man slapped his back. The man looked at Yoshiko with kind expression, pointing towards the main field. Yoshiko squinted to get a better look. "The loud one, white hair, really short for a baseball player."

"Hmm? He looks like he's around 170 centimetres. That's still a lot taller than me." Yoshiko mumbled, jotting it down on her notebook, keeping her eyes on that particular figure. She tilted her head, attempting to get a better view of his build.

"How do you know?" One of the young men asked, looking at her with a blank expression.

"Eh?" Yoshiko glanced at him, finishing her notes before focusing her attention towards him. "Isn't... Isn't it obvious?" She asked. It took a while and a few seconds of eye stare before Yoshiko realised that not many people can see that.

"It's not, really... Who are you?" The first men asked, eyeing her suspiciously. Yoshiko coughed stiffly, feeling flustered.

"Are you some type of spy-"

"No no I'm not!" Yoshiko fumbled, shaking her hands, "I'm a journalist I swear!"

"Oh..." He stared at her, leaning in. "You're pretty cute."

[A/N: Ohmagod did my writing style changes? ಠ_ಠ

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