Chapter 21 : Heartless

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Lena was moping in her room for the third day in a row . Everyone was . Talon attacks had become more frequent and dangerously effective . Almost every mission they had included Y/n . Even if they didn't , the people assigned weren't to be taken so easily . It seemed as if Talon was coming out on top after Overwatch was so close to ending it all .

Lena on the other hand , she cried every night . Unable to accept that she had lost her one true lover . McCree still ignored the Brit while others comforted ber but she knew they were dissapointed inside . Lena would ask herself why she would do that or even how she could have prevented this . Maybe if she had stayed true to Y/n , Talon would have been defeated that night and instead not be led by Y/n herself .

"Lena?" a voice called . Winston came in thd dim lit room to see Lena curled up on her bed , holding a picture frame close to her . "Lena , we have a mission at Kings Row." Winston informs her . Lena stood up slowly and got up slowly . She got her gear and let out a long sigh . Whats the point in protecting the world if my loved one isn't on it ? Lena thought . She loved the Overwatch team , she did but not having Y/n to protect made it seem pointless .

Lena trudged to the hanger , missing the times when Y/n's soft hand would grab hers and teleport them to the place first . She arrived , head low and hands by her sides . "Alright , just you and me . There is just three normal Talon soldiers on the rooftop . Nothing to hard to handle right?" Winston smiled . "Yeah , thats good." Lena flashed a fake smile . The two entered a smaller dropship and headed to their destination , Kings Row . The flight was silent , Lena staring off into nothing . Winston may be dissapointed but he still cared for the Brit .

They arrived and landed on top of a roof . Lena and Winston got off and looked around and spotted the Talon soldiers . They looked to have been sent for a spot check . "Okay , its just a simple takeout mission . Got it?" Winston whispered . Lena nodded and pulled out her pulse pistols . "Weird that Scorpion would be so careless for a mission . She would normally make it almost impossible to infiltrate." Winston says . "Lets just get this over with." Lena muttered , wanting to go back to moping in her room .

"In 3 , 2 , 1 . Go." Winston said . Lena popped out of hiding and started shooting at the soldiers . Winston joined in by leaping in the middle and finishing them off with his tesla cannon . "That was , suprisingly easy." Winston said . Lena just nodded and was about to leave until Athena spoke . "Warning , foreign systems infiltrating data base." Athena said . Winston swinged his arm in a circle and it hit something , more like someone . "Sombra." Winston said .

Sombra just smiled innocently , while she grabs her SMG and shoots them . "Lena , they have the data." Winston yelled . "You got it big guy." Lena blinked around Sombra , confusing her and was about to steal back the data but interuppted . Someone started shooting at Lena , and she fortunately got away without a scratch . "Thanks." Sombra mutters . The shadow reveals itself to show none other thatn Y/n . She was wearing her normal suit , a mask covering her face but her eyes were purple . "Get to the ship , we got what we need." Y/n orders . "Don't think you'll be running off so easily." Winston growled , but before he could even run to attack them , Y/n made a particle around him . Not bothering about putting one around Lena , she was to in shock to move . Just a waste of power . "The agents?" Sombra whispered . "No need , we got what we need." Y/n repeated herself .

Before the two could even leave , Lena tackled Y/n to the ground . Y/n struggled under the girls grip trying to break free . "Get off of me . I showed you mercy." Y/n grunted . "I'm sorry ! Okay ? I said it I'm sorry!" Lena sobs . "Y/n!" Sombra says and pushes Lena off her . Sombra was about to hit the Brit but Y/n stopped her . "Leave her be." Y/n said and dissapeared into the night . But before they left Sombra wanted to share some information . She leaned down to Lena and told her . "Sorry amiga , we had suck her memories gone . She doesn't remember anything , but hey , you get to go around with other people more without killing her . See you." Sombra waved before dissapearing . Lena stood up but the two had already left . She helped Winston out of the small prison and apologized for not doing much .

"Its alright Lena . Next time." Winston said . A Talon dropship flew past them and Lena saw Y/n watching from the open door . Lena looked directly into her eyes to find , nothing . There was no emotion . Could she have lost Y/n for good ? Once the dropship dissapeared completely they headed back to base . "Thats not her." Lena mumbled . "Whats not her?" Winston asked . "S-She didn't show any emotion . What happened to her?" Lena spoke a little louder .

"Excuse me Lena , while you were confronting her , I managed to get a full scan of Y/n . We may find a clue of her new sudden behaviour." Athena said . "Well thats great . Tell us what you found." Winston smiled . "Scanning data." Athena said . It took awhike before she was done . "Full scan complete." Athena read . "So tell us." Lena asked anxiously .

"Not good , her vines around her wrist that connect directly to the brain has been tampered with . Causing certain memories in her brain to be erased . Its still in there but its not registering them as normal . She also lost her emotions . They tampered with that too , but how?" Athena said . Lean felt tears in her eyes . Then she remembered when Widow put a bracelet around her arm then crushed it on the ground .

"The bracelet." Lena mumbled . "What?" Winston asked . "Widow , when she joined , she put a bracelet around her arm then took it off and broke it after . Thats when it all changed." Lena whispered . "God no." the Brit whimpered . "She couldn't have forgotten us right?" Lena asks hopefully . "Like Athena said its still in there but her brain isn't registering them . We have a chance of bringing her back." Winston smiles .

"Yeah , your right." Lena says . She's heartless . She's my lover . She's my heartless lover

I love cringy things . I really do . Nah , forget that . I've been really lazy so I haven't updated as much but I'm trying . See ya !!

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