Chapter 32 : Testing

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The Overwatch agents were currently in a meeting . Word had spread that an organization is working on a serum .

A serum that could deal destruction .

"What is this ' serum '?" Reinhardt asked . "We don't know , but the serum has killed many of its test subjects." Winston says . "So , this serum is supposed to help their group?" McCree suggested .

"Most probably." Winstom agrees . "Who is this group exactly?" Hana asks . "The Los Muertos group . Me and Sombra shut them down long ago but I guess they won't stay dead." Y/n spoke up .

"What is their intentions?" Soldier began questioning the raven haired girl . "They despise omnics , so I recommend you don't deploy Zen or even Orisa." Y/n advices .

"Good to know." Soldier says .

"Okay , so Y/n . You'll be the one to spy on them tomorrow . Understood?" Winston asked and Y/n nodded .

The meeting ended and all the agents got out of the conference room . Lena and Y/n were walking hand intertwined to Y/n's room . Y/n noticed that her girlfriend was a little bit tense . "Whats wrong babe?" Y/n asked her softly . "N-Nothing." Lena stuttered . Y/n rolled her eyes and pulled Lena quickly to her room .

Once they were inside , Y/n pushed Lena to the wall and put her hand beside her head . "Why are you so tense?" Y/n husked . Lena shivered at the noirette's tone . "I-I." Lena tried to say a word but nothing came out .

"You what?" Y/n whispered innocently into the Brit's ear . Y/n lightly nibbled on her ear making Lena whimper . "I-I'm just w-worried." Lena stuttered .

Y/n smirked before pulling away . "Aw , I'll be fine . Now movie?" Y/n suggested . Lena nodded , still stunned . Y/n smiled before walking over to the DVD player and putting in a movie .

How ? Lena thought . For one second Y/n could be all bad and hot and at another , she's sweet and innocent .

Lena shook her head and sat down on the couch . They decided on watching Avengers . Halfway through the movie , Lena had already fallen asleep . Y/n silently chuckled as she looked at thr sleeping brunette . She slowly picked her up bridal style and brought her to her room .

Y/n laid her down and proceeded to lay beside with her . Y/n then felt Lena squirm in her sleep . She smiled and sang softly .

But you'll never be alone
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn

Baby, I'm right here
I'll hold you when things go wrong
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn

Baby, I'm right here
I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Baby, I'm right here

Lena slowly calmed down at the soothing sound of the raven haired girl's voice .

Y/n felt her eyes grow heavy . She didn't fight it and fell asleep beside her beautiful girlfriend , Lena .

*Next day*

Lena woke up in the arms of Y/n and she smiled at the feeling . She truly cherished these momemts with her . Y/n slowly stirred in her sleep . "Morning love." Lena chirped . "Morning your happy." Y/n chuckles . "Not for long though." Lena whispers .

Y/n heard what the Brit says and lifts her chin to look at her .

"I'll be fine." Y/n assures . Lena smiles and pecks her lips before getting out of bed . After breakfast , Y/n kissed Lena goodbye before embarking on her mission . Y/n wore her usual outfit and brought her usual gear . Her dual pistols , dagger and scythe .

Y/n was already at the terorrist base , sneaking through the shadows . "Alright , let the heroes see what you do." Y/n says switching on her spy cam . Winston had given her a camera that could transmit imagery straight to the Overwatch base .

Y/n spotted a group of scientists , testing shocks on animals . Serums left and right . "Damn , they sure are serious about this." Y/n whispers .

Just then , the scientists look back and saw Y/n . "Oh shoot." Y/n whispers . "Scorpion whats going on?" Winston asks through the comm . Y/n teleported out of the base and tried to flee but security already got her . Y/n couldn't teleport . Her mind was to foggy to focus properly on escaping the soldiers grip . "We've been expecting you Scorpion." was all Y/n heard before she got knocked out .

Back at the Overwatch base , all the agents saw what happened . "Whats going on big guy?" Lena asks worriedly . "We've been expecting you Scorpion." the voice said before the camero got cut off .

"Whats going on love?" Lena asks . By now , Lena's heart was pounding .

"She's in trouble . We got to save her." Soldier says . It was Lena , Soldier , Mercy , Winston , Genji and Hana . "Whatcha waiting for loves ? We got to go!" Lena hurried the rest of the team .

The agents board the Overwatch dropship . After what felt like a thousand years , the agents finally arrived at the base .

"The security is more tight now." Winston informs . "Well , we just got to get in then run out." Hana says . The agents were just about to run in but they were quickly brought down by electric shocks .

"What . The hell?" Soldier struggled to speak . A laugh was heard before they all blacked out just like Y/n .

The agents woke up to an empty room . A rope holding them all together . "Where are we?" Mercy says . "Our base." a person says . The figure stepped out the shadows to reveal a man in a labcoat . "Hello agents , my name is Nesca . Leader to the terorrists group known as Genetics." he says .

"Where is Y/n?" Lena yells . "Oh her ? She's in with our professionals." Nesca smiles evilly . "What are you doing to her?" Lena screams . "By now , you must be aware that we are working on a serum . One that could change the tides of the battles." Nesca explains .

"And?" Soldier cuts in . "Sadly , our test subjects do not survive our tests . But then we stumbled on your special agent Scorpion . Or as you refer to her as Y/n . We knew you fools would answer a call of urgency , so we put ourselves out there . Then , we would capture her and test on her." Nesca smirks .

Oh god .

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