Chapter 38 : Where Have You Been

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After Gabriel spilled where Y/n was , Lena and Hana volunteered to go and get here . The two got in a car and drove there .

On the way there , Lena couldn't help but feel a pit in her stomach . Already familiar with the feeling , she knew something bad must have happened . Hana noticed the Brit's uneasiness and decided to comfort her .

"Hey , she'll be fine." Hana says .

Lena looks at the gamer , giving her a smile before averting her gaze back to the road . At last , they arrived at her apartment .

The both of them got out of the car and enter the big building . Lena looked at the piece of paper Reaper gave to them of which level Y/n's apartment was on and what number . "Level 7 , number 735." Lena told Hana .

The gamer nodded and pressed number 7 .

Soon enough , the elevator doors opened with a ding and the two agents made their way to Y/n's apartment door . "732 , 733 , 734 ,735 . Here it it." Lena said .

Before Lena could even knock Hana twisted the door knob and the door opened . "Well , she must have not locked her door." Hana said . Lena pushed the door and saw the inside of the apartment .

It was a mess . The same way how Y/n left it . Broken glass on the floor , torn pictures and blood on the floor . "What happened here ? More inportantly , where is Y/n?" Hana said . Lena stood frozen . Unable to move .

Hesitantly , the brunette walked into the apartment . Closing the door in the process .

"Y/n?" Lena called through the quiet apartment . Lena walked into Y/n's room and saw no sign of Y/n . With a long sigh , Lena walked back down . "She's not in her room." Lena informed .

"Could she have gone back to base already?" Hana thought . "If she did , which she probably didn't , Winston or anyone would have told us already." Lena said . The two began thinking of possible spots where Y/n could be . Just then , the door opened and revealed the person they were looking for .

"Oh great , the cavalry's here." Y/n mumbled .

Lena and Hana stared at Y/n , suprised . Then their gaze averts to her bloody and bruised fists . "What happened to you?" Hana asked . "Ask Emily." Y/n muttered before going to the kitchen to get herself a cup of water .

Even having Lena in the same room pains the noirette's heart .

"We have a meeting , so we would really appreciate it if you go back to base." Hana said . "Fine , can't you just give me a minute though ? I literally just got out with a fight with her ex." Y/n says before drinking her cup of water . "What happened?" Lena asked , speaking up . "Stuff . Thats all you need to know." Y/n said before going out the door .

"Do you girls want to bring me back or no?" Y/n questioned .

Y/n was already out the door while Lena and Hana trailed behind her . The whole walk back to the car was extremely awkward . Lena would glance at Hana to save the situation but not even the gamer could ease the tension .

Finally , the three exitted the building and got in the car . Lena hopped into the drivers seat while Y/n sat at the passenger seat . All part of Hana's plan . Lena glared at the gamer through the mirror while Hana just smiled innocently .

One hour .

It'll take them an hour to drive back to base like this . Traffic jams and raging drivers . And Lena was finding it rather hard to not stare at the noirette beside her .

Y/n , however was silent . Not uttering a single word . She only played with her powers . Using her ability to make particle shield to make tiny boxes . In the backseat , Hana was already asleep . It was classic .

Two broken-up lovers , in a car together while the music played softly .

Y/n hummed softly to the tune of the song . And Lena listened attentively . Lena wanted to hug her , kiss her but she knew she could not . That it was not to be .

An hour passed and soon the three arrived back at the base . Fortunately , none of them missed anything important like missions or anything .

Hana rushed over to her room , probably to go play her games . Lena on the other hand was watching Y/n from afar , who was at the garden , silently sitting on the grass throwing rocks into the pond . The garden was outside on the ground , meaning that other people can access it .

All of a sudden , a guy comes up to Y/n and visibly starts flirting with her . The noirette pays absolutely no attention to the guy and continues doing what she's doing . Lena watched , her blood boiling . The Brit knew they were no longer together , but she still loved the girl . She did this for Y/n's safety .

Y/n , becoming annoyed by thr guy's obnoxious presence , grabs his and pushes him back .

Lena tried to stiffle a laugh while Reaper came from behind the boy and forced him to leave . Y/n knew she was watching . But she didn't spare her a glance . It would hurt to much .

Quietly , Y/n stands up and dusts herself off . The raven haired girl , went to her motorcycle and drove off . Lena loosing sight of her frowned and walked to her own room .

Y/n sped past the cars . Forgetting about her safety . Y/n quickly made a stop at a bar to get a drink . Soon enough it was 8 at night and the noirette was little bit tipsy . She slowly made her way to her motorcycle , feeling a bit sober than just now .

The engime roared to life and Y/n was on her way back .

Back at the base , Lena still saw no sigh of Y/n after she left earlier . Not wanting to worry so much , she went to her room . Y/n parked her motorcycle and entered the base .

She walked quietly back to her room and slipped under the covers . Thinking of Lena .

Harsh . But hey ... See ya !!

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