Chapter 9 : Can't Hide It

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Y/n was getting her arm bandaged at the medical wing after getting back from the mission . Y/n winced in pain as Angela tighted the bandage . "I'm sorry , Y/n . I have to this in order to stop and further bleeding." Angela says . "No matter . Not so much to handle." Y/n smiles . Lena walked in and smiled . "Hey love , you ready ? I want to go to the canteen." Lena whines . "Alright your all good to go . So go ahead." Angela says . Y/n stands up and follows Lena out the door . They walked through the hallways to the canteen , passing by multiple agents who greeted them .

They entered the canteen and picked their food and sat down . Y/n and Lena had conversations none stop about nothing and everything . "Alright , I'm done . Want to go train?" Y/n asked . "Why not." Lena shrugged and followed Y/n's lead . They walked through the doors to see Reinhardt in a simulation destroying all the training bots . "MORE!" Reinhardt yelled . More training bots came and he knocked all of them down . "Hammer down!" he said . All the bots were knocked down and Reinhardt charged at them .

"Well , he's energetic." Y/n chuckled , making Lena giggle . "You ! Y/n ! Dare to challenge me?" Reinhardt pointed at her . "Bring it." Y/n smirked . "Y/n , he's really strong." Angela said from behind . "I'll be fine." Y/n waved it off and headed to the training ground . "Ready?" Reinhardt said . "Then I'll ever be." Y/n said .

Reinhardt charged but Y/n got out the way . Y/n teleported on top of his hammer and jumped of off it . She pulled out her dual pistols and shot the crusader . He backed up , trying to block the bullets with his hands . Y/n reloaded and put the guns away . Reinhardt saw this as an oppurtunity and fired a fire strike . Y/n took her scythe and sliced the fire strike , deflecting it . The fire strike came flying back to Reinhardt as he tried to block with his shield . "Αφήστε τον πόνο να είναι η αδυναμία σας." Y/n's said , her eyes turning purple . She teleported around Reinhardt , frustrating hin as he tried to hit her with his hammer . Y/n appeared above Reinhardt her scythe raised and she slashed through him . "Έγινε." she said which mean ' done ' .

Reinhardt fell to his knees and got his breath . "You are mighty strong Y/n . Never doubted you." Reinhardt pats your back and you don't flinch . "Not bad for you too." Y/n laughs . "Good job love!" Lena cheered . The Brit was mostly glad that Y/n came back in one piece . "Come on , I need some rest . I'm beat." Y/n chuckled . Y/n and Lena walked to Lena's room without hesitation . Y/n plopped onto the couch and sighed . "My back needs rest." Y/n jokes . Lena giggles and goes to make themselves a cup of tea .

"Here you go love." Lena handed the noirette a cup of tea . "Thanks Lena." Y/n smiles thankfully . The sat there sipping their cups of tea , watching TV . "Seriously , why would they call us this." Y/n said in disbelief . Right now , they were watching the news that was currently talking about Overwatch's disband . "Its normal now." Lena shrugged . "Hey its not . I might be used to it after getting bounties placed on me and it being talked about on the national news." Y/n chuckled but quickly turned serious . "You people are the protectors of the world and the people should know this but humantiy can be a fool sometimes . Just be patient , the world will soon see." Y/n said and Lena smiled .

Lena yawned and rubbed her eyes , feeling sleepy . "Sleepy already?" Y/n joked . Lena lightly punched her arm and pouted . "I'm joking , its normal." Y/n says . "Here." Y/n opened her arms to let Lena cuddle into them . The Brit leaned down into her embrace and found herself more than comfortable . "You okay?" Y/n asked , her voice raspy . "Y-Yeah." Lena stuttered , finding her voice attractive . "You seem troubled , you okay?" Y/n asked worried she has made the Brit uncomfortable . "Nothing really." Lena flashed a fake smile . "Lena , I'm a hundred percent your lying . Whats wrong you can tell me." Y/n said encouragingly . "I-Its j-just that , I-I ..." Lena struggled to form a sentence . Lena was struggling to find a lie . But she knew , she had been caught . There was no way she could hide it now .

She composed herself and breathed in and out . She saw this as her only chance . Now or never . Her only shot in trying to win the raven girls heart . "Okay." Lena breathed . "You alright?" Y/n asked . Little did both of them know , that both of their hearts were beating at rapid speeds . "Y/n , I haven't been honest with you entirely." Lena started off . "What ? Your in a relationship?" Y/n asked trying to mask the hurt in her voice .

"No!" Lena exclaimed . "When , I made that promise and I said it because your important to me is because I mean it . Your really important to me , love." Lena said . "Now I'm just going to say it , I'm in love with you , love." Lena said . Y/n was stunned . After all these years of being denied and rejected , there was still someone who loved her . Maybe it was time to change . No , it was time to change . Lena looked worried when Y/n had not respond .

"I-I'm sorry , I should've had said th-" Lena was cut off by a pair of lips on hers . Lena was suprised at first but responded . The two stayed that way for a moment before finally pulling away . "I thought no one would ever love me again after all these years , and I thought I couldn't take another heart break . But here I am . With you." Y/n smiled . Lena returned the smile and pulled the noirette for another kiss .

Well you got it . The confessiin chapter . I hope it was worth it , hopefully . I hope you keep reading and pray I climb back up the ranks .... See ya !!

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