Chapter 20 : Talon Leader

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Y/n stood up and picked her up her scythe . "Where do I sign up?" Y/n asked , making everyone gasp . Reaper cackled and all of a sudden , Widow grappled out of McCree's grasp and Sombra dissapeared then reappeared next to Y/n . "Welcome to Talon chica." Sombra congratulated , as Widow put a bracelet around her wrist . Y/n winced at the pain and felt all her memories being sucked out of her .

Widow removed the bracelet and threw it in the ground , breaking it . "Impossible!" Reinhardt said . "Y/n is our comrade ! She would never betray us!" Soldier said . "Fools , Y/n is more than you know , she is my niece and the new leader of Talon." Reaper cackled . "No she wouldn't ! Right love?" Lena says . Y/n laughs evilly and looks at the Brit straight in the eye . Y/n's normal black eyes gone , her violet eyes on full display .

The agents gasped as Y/n smirked . Lena knew in that moment , she lost Y/n . Y/n walked in front of Reaper and raised her scythe . "Αφήστε τον πόνο να είναι η αδυναμία σας." Y/n said . Instead of doing her normal ultimate of dashing through her target , she slashed her scythe and it made a beam that headed straight for the agents .

Reinhardt's shield was up and so was D.Va's defense matrix . Even Lucio sound barrier was used . But it was no use . It broke through Reinhardt's shield , D.Va's defense matrix had no affect on it and the beam just tore through Lucio sound barrier . All the agents fell down while Reaper laughs . "Meet the new leader Overwatch . Your star assassin is gone." Reaper said holding Y/n's shoulder . A Talon dropship appeared behind them and Y/n teleported all for of inside . As the dropship began to take off , Y/n looked at Lena a smirk on her lips . The dropship dissapeared out of their sights as the agents tried to get back up .

"S-She knew?" Lena whispered . All this time , Y/n knew . She did it because she had remembered all the good time she had with Emily , but now that Y/n was gone , she regretted it all . "For God's sake . YES ! SHE KNEW LENA ! SHE KNEW FROM DAY ONE AND YOU FAILED TO NOTICE HOW MUCH YOU'VE BEEN KILLING HER INTERNALLY ! AND WHATS WORSE WAS THAT YOU CHEATED ON HER WITH YOUR EX ! SHE COULD STILL BE HERE IF YOU NEVER HAD CHEATED ! I TRUSTED YOU!" McCree yelled at her . Despite the anger in his eyes , there were tears still visible too . Lucio and Soldier held him up as he fell to his news .

"I-I." Lena stuttered , but she was cut off by a Overwatch dropship arriving . Everyone got in and strapped in . Angela and her crew patched up the agents who had minor injuries or just standard injuries due to the beam . "What happened?" Winston asks . He looks around and notices Y/n missing . "And where is Y/n?" he asks . "Why don't you ask Tracer over there." McCree grumbled . "Y/n turned out to be the heiress to the Talon organisation . Reaper was her uncle , and since she has been so depressed lately , they were able to recruit her as the new leader of Talon." Soldier said .

"Depression?" Angela says , clearly suprised . "What caused her to have it?" Angela asks . Lucio and Hana glance at each other and sigh . They started explaining from the very start . Even showing them the recorded song they had . And the end of the song , Lena was in tears . How could I be so stupid ? Lena said in her head . An hour later , no one spoke . To shocked of the previous moments .

They arrived back at the Overwatch base and they all got off . Lena was on her way to her room when she felt a pair of arms wrap around her . "Lena ! Your back ! Hey , why do you look so down?" Emily asks . "Because she lost her girlfriend." McCree spat harshly .

"Good then . She can come out with me." Emily smiled . McCree pushed her and pulled out his revolver and aimed it at her . Genji and Soldier who saw this ran to pull him back while Lena stood in front of Emily . "Don't you say anything you selfi-" before McCree could finish Lena cut him off .

"McCree , stop." Lena said . "And why are you defending her huh ? Does she matter more to you Y/n ? I hope your happy." McCree spat and left . Angela came and guided Jesse to the medical wing but before they left , Angela looked at Lena and shook her head . All the othee agents left , leaving only Lena and Emily . "Come on babe , lets go." Emily says , standing up . "N-No." Lena said . "What ? Why?" Emily says . "I don't love you . I-I'm breaking up with you." Lena says . Emily seems taken back from the statement but just scoffs . "Have fun trying to get your so called ' lover ' back." Emily said smirking before leaving .

Lena went into her room and laid on her bed . She looked at the picture of her and Y/n on her nightstand and held it . "What was I thinking?" Lena sobs . She hold the picture close to her heart . Lena was worried . Can I even get Y/n back ? Lena thought . She was so blind to see her lover in pain . Now that she lost her , she noticed to little to late . She kept on thinking about what McCree said . Lena couldn't sleep . Constant thoughts of Y/n stayed in her mind while she tried to sleep .

"I was so blind." Lena whispers . Lena looks at the picture she was holding and cried even harder . "I-I'm s-sorry Y/n . P-Please come back l-love." Lena cried . But in reality , Lena knew there was almost no guarante that she would ever come back . If only Lena could time travel back further into the past and change her course of action .

Her lover was gone . Her lover was the Talon leader .

Yeah , you joined . What ? I like drama . And thanks for all the support . Really appreciated . See ya !!

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