Chapter 11 : Briefing , Secret And Stories

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Y/n woke up to violent shaking and her eyes snapped open . "Okay , I'm up . What wrong?" Y/n yawned , rubbing her eyes . "Winston wants to see us love . Its about Doomfist." Lena shivers . "You'll be fine . Come one lets go." Y/n takes Lena's hand and teleports them to the meeting room . "First here , as always." Winston smiles but it quickly fades . "Whats wrong big guy?" Y/n asks him . "Doomfist , he has managed to escape and our resources tell us that his attack starts tomorrow." Winstob says sadly .

Lena shivered at the thought but Y/n wrapped a reassuring arm around the Brit . "I beat him once and I'll do it again." Y/n smirks . "But thats just it . We weren't able to leak anything else , meaning we have no plans." Winston says . "The mans has a high security no doubt but he also has a smart brain." the gorilla informs . "I know , but its worth a shot." Y/n says .

The noirette glances at Lena and notices how worried she looks . "Hey babe , wait for me in my room." Y/n tells her . She hesitantly nods and leaves . "Winston , I need one request . One that Lena can't hear." Y/n tells him seriously . "What is it?" Winston questions . "When I engage him . Don't let anyone interfere . I know Doomfist won't let his allies do the same." Y/n says , all seriousness laced in her voice . "But why?" Winston says , rather confused for the girls favor .

"He is my rival . I will finish him for good and put him behind bars . Besides , its to dangerous . This stay betweem you , me and Athena . Okay?" Y/n asks . Winston thinks for a second and hesitantly agrees . "Athena , erase the recorded message from all the agents knowing . Completely." Y/n commands . "Loading . And completed . All traces of data erased from agents software." Athena said . "Great , voice code , κανείς δεν ξέρει." Y/n says . "What does that mean?" Winston asks . "No one knows , and Athena , only Winston is allowed to reveal the message when the time is given." Y/n says .

"I'm sorry I have to do this." Y/n sighs . "No problem . Just stay safe alright ? You aren't only important to Tracer , but to all of Overwatch too." Winston says . "I'll try big guy . See ya." Y/n waves and walks out of the room . Y/n walks past all the agents , here hands in her pockets , on her way to her dorm . Y/n opens the door to see Lena in Y/n's hoodie , her chronal accelerator on the table , only wearing the chronal bracelet . "Easier right?" Y/n asks . Lena stood up and pecked her lips . "Yeah , easier to walk around love." Lena giggles .

The Brit sits on the couch and practically forces Y/n to cuddle with her . They sat their in a comfortable silence , just enjoying how everything was . The two watched show after show but didn't budge , not wanting to leave each others embraces . "Tell me about it." Lena asked out of the blue . "About what?" Y/n says . "Being a former Talon agent." Lena asks . "Well it was something." Y/n started off .


Y/n was training in one of the Talon training rooms , perfecting her skill . "Hola amiga , hows it going?" Sombra comes in . "Its going fine." Y/n grunts , finishing off three dummies with her dagger . "You have another fight with Doomfist , our boss , how are you not worried?" Sombra asks . "The mans cocky . Thats what it is." Y/n scoffs .

"Oh , so cold hearted." Widowmaker comes in . "You have to be to survive in these conditions." Y/n says , showing the dark theme of the training room . "Whatever , I'm going to rest." Y/n says walking out . She heads to her and Sombra's shared room . Y/n took a shower and changed into something more comfortable . "Y/n!" Sombra whined from her bed . "Yeah?" Y/n asks .

"I'm bored." Sombra groans . "Go hack a bank account." Y/n chuckles . "No , they're to easy." Sombra says . "Don't ask me , I hae no idea what you hackers do." Y/n says . "Do you have a weakness Y/l/n?" Sombra asks , already knowing the answer . "No , not any known ones." Y/n said for what she felt like the millionth time . "Come one Y/n , its not that bad to have  weakness." Sombra says . "And end up like how it did when I was younger ? No thanks." Y/n said . "Y/N ! Hurry!" Doomfist called . "Wish me luck." Y/n said . "We don't need to." Sombra jokes as Y/n gets in the arena .

"Ready?" Doomfist asks , a smirk on his face . "Bring it."


"Sombra was considered my friend." Y/n smiles and the memory . "But then Doomfist their leader kicked me out." Y/n rolled rolled her eyes . "Don't even get me started about the food." Y/n joked . "What about Doomfist ? What do you and him do?" Lena asks . "The guy thinks he sees me as an easy target so he made me his rival . Thats why he refers to me as his rival." Y/n explains . "But why did you not want a weakness , love?" Lena asks , frowning .

"Back then , I was broken when my parents died . I hid my emotions , only showing when it was to much . So , I made sure I had no more weaknesses . But when I met you , I was confused . You managed to break down my wall with ease." Y/n smiles . "And I'm happy I did love." Lena says . "So am I." Y/n says

Lena giggled then let out a yawn . "Someones tired." Y/n cooes . "Go ahead . I got you." Y/n whispers . Lena leans back and closes her eyes , sleeping . Y/n heard soft snores and Lena's steady breathing so she knew the Brit was asleep . What am I going to do with you ? Y/n thought . Y/n looked down at the sleepin beauty in her arms and smiled .

I'm going to protect you . That what I'll do Y/n thought , determined for her mission .

Another chapter , next one will have a lot of action so yeah . See ya !!

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