Repercussions of a Concussion

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Three days after I woke up from my coma, I was still laying in a hospital bed, arguing with the staff that I just wanted to go home. They had run a bunch of tests to make sure I was 100%, and apparently I hadn't passed them all. It was frustrating to say the least, and what made it worse was they wouldn't tell me what they found. It wasn't going to take long, however, to figure out the exact problem. "You've run dozens of tests on her and claim that there's still something wrong, but won't tell us what," Sam argued with the doctor. "That's because we haven't pinpointed the exact problem," the doctor said. "We're re-examining everything, including her scans. There's something we missed." "I feel fine!" I yelled. "I've been telling you that for the last three days. I just want to go home with my family." "And I would love nothing more than to send you home," the doctor told me. "But I wouldn't be doing my job properly if I didn't make sure you were 100% healthy before sending you on your way." "Well you're our favorite doctor," Dean assured him. "And you're the best one we've ever dealt with. We can see you take your job seriously. Don't worry about these two. I can handle them." "Oh my God, Dean!" I was irritated. "Would you just shut up?! This doesn't even concern you. Why don't you go lose yourself in a pie or something?" I watched as all three men's jaws dropped. "Dean cares about you just as much as I do, baby," Sam said. "You know that. He's only looking out for your best interest." "Maybe I don't need anyone to look out for me," I said in a rude tone. "I'm a grown ass woman. I can take care of myself." "Obviously not," Dean cut in. "If you could, you wouldn't be here right now." "Jesus, Dean!" I screamed. "I was hit from behind. That doesn't count." "Ok, Sammi, honey, you are seriously scaring me right now," Sam said. "This isn't like you." "And this is why we need to re-examine all of her tests," the doctor pointed out. "We need to find out what is triggering this sudden change in demeanor." "Umm, did the doctor just call me mean???" I asked, feeling like I was going to burst into tears. "I swear I'm only mean when I need to be. I have such a big heart and I love everyone. Oh God, what is wrong with me?!" I burst into tears at that very moment, which led to both Sam AND Dean trying to console me. "I'm so sorry for saying you couldn't handle yourself, princess," Dean said. "I was just angry. I don't like seeing you or my brother hurt." "Did you see what just happened?" the doctor asked. "She went from raging mad to extremely upset in about 60 seconds. That's not normal. We definitely missed something." The nurse walked into the room a short time later with one of my scans and put it onto the specially lit board. "We found the problem, doctor," she said, pointing to a small area on the scan. "How did we miss this before??" the doctor asked. "Can someone please tell us what's going on right now?" Sam interrupted. "My wife is going crazy right now, and frankly, I'm scared for her." The doctor pointed to the scan and said, "Do you boys see this little area right here?" "You mean that shaded area you've got your finger on?" Dean asked. "Yes," the doctor said. "That shadiness is blood. Apparently Sammi was hit harder than we originally thought." "So you're telling me my brain is bleeding right now?!?!" I was horrified. "What does that mean? Am I dying??" "No one is going to die on my watch," the doctor assured me. "I've already paged the neurologist. We're going to have to go in and stop the bleeding before it gets worse." "Wait," Sam said. "You're saying you have to cut into my wife's brain?!" "Do you want me to fix her or not?" the doctor asked. "If we let it go, it will only get worse, and this Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde that you're seeing will take over. And not to sound like a prick, but it will eventually kill her. Is that what you really want?" "God no!" Sam exclaimed. "I just want her to be ok, no matter what it takes." "I know it sounds scary," the doctor said. "I mean, cutting into someone's brain IS scary, even for us, but it will save her life and give you back your sweet, loving Sammi." "I AM still in the room," I pointed out. "You're talking about me like I'm still in a coma." "Sorry, sweetie," Sam said. "We didn't mean to leave you out of the conversation." "What's the recovery time from this surgery?" Dean asked. "When can she finally come home?" "As long as everything goes smoothly and there are no complications, she can be out of here in as little as two days," the doctor replied. "Why don't I just move in?!" I yelled. "I want to go home, dammit." Sam looked like he was ready to cry, but Dean stepped in. "That's the bleeding talking, little brother," he said. "Just keep that in mind." About five minutes later, another doctor walked into the room. "Please tell me this is the neurologist," Sam said to my doctor. "He's the best neurologist this side of the country," the doctor replied. "Good," Dean said. "Please fix my sister-in-law. The sooner, the better." "The OR is prepped and ready," the neurologist told us. "Let's stop this bleed, shall we?" Sam kissed my forehead. "I love you. We'll be waiting right here for you when they're all finished," he said. "Good luck, princess," Dean added. "I love you, too, for what it's worth." I broke down crying as the two doctors wheeled me out of the room and away from the boys. I continued to cry all the way to the OR, and I'm pretty sure I was still crying as the anesthesia kicked in....

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