Why Me?

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The rest of February and the beginning of March were pretty busy for the Winchesters. When I say Winchesters, I mean my husband, brother-in-law, and mother-in-law. Of course when they're busy, so is my dad, which left me busy with the kids. By St. Patrick's Day, I was so worn down from running non-stop (I had also been helping Declan and Deena with Anthony), that I could barely get out of bed. Unlike the last time I wore myself out, I had been eating and drinking, so no one was worried that I was going to wind up in the hospital again. "Why don't I take the kids for a few days?" Marissa offered. "I can take them down to visit their great grandparents again." "That would be wonderful," I replied. "Thank you so much." "You just worry about yourself, young lady," she smiled as she gave me a hug. "Do you need help packing their things?" I asked. "You should know by now that your father and I keep enough clothes for them at our place," she replied. "We even got them their own suitcases." "You guys are the best," I smiled. After I had given Cam and Cate tons of hugs and kisses, I sent them on their way with Marissa. Declan and Deena had left earlier to visit her mom, so I was literally on my own. I made my way into the kitchen to make myself something to eat, and halfway through cooking, I could have sworn I heard a noise coming from outside. I decided to ignore it and continue cooking my food. I had just put my food on a plate and was making my way up to my room when I heard a loud bang. You would think I'd be used to loud noises and strange happenings by now, but it still scared me to the point where I dropped my plate on the floor. "Dammit!" I yelled, mostly out of habit. As I bent down to pick up the mess, I felt something slam me in the back of my head before my world turned black. When the blackness finally cleared, my grandmother was once again standing before me, smiling from ear to ear. "Crap!" I exclaimed. "I'm dead, aren't I? And I didn't even go looking for trouble this time. Ugh. What the hell?" "Would you calm down?" Nana said. "You're not dead. You're just unconscious." "Again??? What in God's name happened to me?" I asked. "One minute I'm making myself some food, the next I'm hearing loud noises and seeing you." "The house was burglarized," Nana explained. "The guys that did this to you thought the house was empty. You startled them, so they panicked and knocked you out." "So I'm still lying on the floor right now?" I was so confused. "Oh dear, no," she replied. "You were found hours ago. You're lying in the hospital right now." "So I'm in a coma. Again." I sighed. "They hit you pretty hard," Nana told me. "I guess it's a good thing the kids were with Marissa," I said. "Who found me? Or do I even need to ask?" "You were saved by your angel friend," Nana replied. "Castiel???" I was kind of shocked. "Yes," Nana said. "He tried calling you when he couldn't get a hold of Sam. When you didn't answer, he knew something was up." "Whoa, wait," I started. "Why couldn't he get a hold of Sam? Is Sam alright? Ugh! Why me???" "Calm down, darling," Nana said. "Sam is fine. Dean and your dad and Mary are fine. They were just in a dead zone." "So are they at the hospital with me then?" I asked. "Why don't you see for yourself?" she suggested. "I love you Sammi. Please stay safe." Before I could get another word in, she vanished. What in the world did she mean I should see for myself?? Was she telling me to make myself have an out of body experience? Why was this happening to me? I closed my eyes and concentrated on the things that mattered most to me, and just as Nana had mentioned, I was able to see for myself just who was sitting at my bedside. With the exception of Marissa and the kids, and Declan and his family, my entire crew were there. Sam was sitting on the bed, cradling me in his arms, with tears in his eyes. Dean, Dad, and Mary were all standing around the bed, trying to calm him down. "The doctor said she WILL wake up, Sammy," Dean said. "They just don't know when." "Someone should have been home with her," Sam replied through sobs. "We didn't all have to go on that hunt." "Don't blame yourself, Sam," Mary told him. "It could have just as easily been any one of us." "Your mom is right, Sam," Dad chimed in. "The cops said that the robbers admitted it was an impulse decision to knock her out. They hadn't planned on anyone being in the house." "That's supposed to make me feel better?!" Sam yelled. Dean reached out and slapped Sam across the face. "Snap out of it, Sam!" he said. "We're all upset about the situation, but being over dramatic about it isn't going to help Sammi get better." Impressively, Sam calmed down long enough to apologize to everyone for his behavior. "We're not mad at you, son," Mary said. "You have every right to be upset. Your wife is in a coma and you feel helpless right now. We all do. But your brother is right. Getting overly upset about it isn't going to help her get any better." I watched as the three around the bed all walked over to one side and grabbed Sam up into a group hug. "Marissa has the kids down in Florida, so you just worry about Sammi right now," Dad told him. "The rest of us will go home and we'll be back tomorrow." "Get some sleep, Sammy," Dean said. "I'll try," Sam promised. As soon as Dad, Dean, and Mary left, Sam went back to rocking me in his arms and crying. "Please wake up, baby," he said. "Don't leave me yet, you hear me? I need you." I wanted so badly to reach out and comfort him, to let him know that I was there, but I knew he wouldn't feel it. I kept watching him until he cried himself to sleep, and then my world went dark again....

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