Fireworks And Family Drama

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The Fourth of July was exactly two weeks after Cate started walking. We had extended an invite to my grandparents and Scarlett and Drew to come join us for a little get together. Since we hadn't seen everyone in a while, we thought it might be fun. Dean went out and got a bunch of grillable food while Sam picked out the side dishes. Cas even showed up because he claimed he was bored and he missed us. The four of us had quite a time preparing all the food before our guests started showing up. Dad and Marissa were the first to show, of course, followed by Declan's girlfriend Dana. Grandma and Grandpa came about an hour later, which left us waiting for Scarlett and Drew. When they still hadn't shown up a few hours later, I started to get a little nervous. Meanwhile, everyone else couldn't wait any longer and had started to feast on all the delicious food we'd made. I excused myself from the group and went upstairs to my room to make a phone call. Rather than call my sister's phone, I called Drew's instead. He answered on the first ring. "Sammi," he whispered. "I'm sorry we're not there, but something happened before we were able to leave the hotel." "What's wrong, Drew?" I asked. "I'm not sure what's going on right now," he continued to whisper. "Mia and I are still at the hotel, hiding in the TV closet. I'm not sure if we're still being watched." "Watched?" I was confused. "What's going on??" "These two men dressed in suits came to the door looking for Scarlett," he said. "When we asked what they wanted, all they said was that they came for Jim's daughter. She refused to go, they forcefully took her and left me and Mia unharmed." Oh lord, no. Was this really happening?? "What else did you notice about the men?" I asked. "Did you recognize either of them?" "We only know a handful of your dad's friends," he told me. "And neither of these guys looked like them. There was one other thing I did notice...their eyes. They were rather dark, almost black. Does that sound crazy?" Crap. Demons. "No," I said. "That's not crazy at all. Did she have her cell phone on her?" "I think so," he admitted. "This is what I need you to do," I started. "Get yourself and Mia in the car and come straight here. I'm going to get Sam to see if he can locate Scarlett by tracking the GPS on her phone." "Are you sure it's safe for us to leave?" he asked. "Those guys didn't want you or Mia," I said. "They wanted my sister. They have some vendetta against my dad and are using his blood relatives to get it. Just get here as quickly and safely as possible, understand?" "I just hope your sister is alright," he replied. "Don't worry," I assured him. "We won't let anything happen to her." I hung up the phone knowing that after this debacle was over, we were going to have to share our family secret with my sister and Drew now. How else were we going to explain who these jackasses were and how they linked my sister to my dad? I took a deep breath and headed downstairs to alert Sam and Dad of what was going down. I pulled the two of them and Dean aside and explained what was going on. "Scarlett's been kidnapped," I told them. "Drew and Mia are fine and are on their way here. Sam, sweetie, I need you to work your magic and see if you can ping her GPS to find out where she's been taken." "Who would want to kidnap your sister?" Dean asked. "Some beings with a vendetta against Dad," I answered. "Don't even tell me..." Dad started. "Are you kidding me right now?? I thought we settled this a while ago." "I was there," I said. "I heard and saw everything. There was a mutual agreement. I don't know why they went back on their word." "Because demons are assholes?" Dean suggested. "Whatever the case, we need to get Scarlett back," Sam said. "Exactly," I agreed. "Dean, you're going to stay here and entertain everyone. Grandma and Grandpa don't know what y'all do for a living and it's bad enough we're going to have to explain it to Drew and Scarlett now. Can you do that for me?" "I'm always the life of the party," he smiled. "But what about you?" "I'm going to help find my sister," I said. "And before any of you say another word, it's a done deal. I am a grown woman, you can't stop me, and it's not up for debate." As if on cue, Sam's laptop made a ringing noise, indicating that he had located where my sister was being held. "It looks like they took her to the old roller rink," he told us. "I'm driving," Dad said. "Let's go and show these bastards that they are messing with the wrong family." "You sure you've got this?" I asked Dean. "I'm positive," he said. "Cas can help me entertain everyone. You go, get your sister back, and kick some demon ass." I gave him a hug and followed Dad and Sam out to the truck. It only took about ten minutes to get to where we needed to be. Before exiting the truck, we all armed ourselves with handguns and angel blades. "You two go around the back," Dad said. "I'll take the side door." While we made our way around the building, I quietly said to Sam, "Thank you for not fighting me on this. I know how you guys feel about me being in these situations." "This is your sister we're talking about," Sam replied. "If the roles were reversed, and you were the hunter and I was just hunter offspring, I'd like to think you'd be just as understanding." "Of course," I said without hesitation. We reached the back door and Sam carefully (and quietly) opened it, keeping his gun drawn. We searched the entire back area of the building, coming up empty. That's when we heard a gunshot coming from the opposite direction. We ran toward the sound, guns still drawn and saw Dad standing over one of the demons with an angel blade while the other was bound and gagged. Seeing that he had the situation under control, I scanned the room for my sister and located her at the far corner of the room. I ran over to her and checked for a pulse...she was alive, but barely. I couldn't help but think that it was partly due to the fact that she had no clue why these jerks had taken her. "Whatever you two are going to do, you'd better do it quick," I yelled. "She's just barely hanging on." I heard my dad tell the demons that if they ever came looking for his family again, he was going to hunt down every last one of them before he plunged his blade into the heart of the one he'd shot. He then walked over to the one he had bound and gagged and plunged the blade through his gut. Sam ran over to me and Scarlett, untied her, picked her up and said, "Jim, we need to go now." We were in the truck within minutes and at the hospital within what seemed like seconds. Dad grabbed up Scarlett and ran into the ER, with Sam and I following close behind. We sat in that waiting room for what seemed like forever before the doctor came out to update us on her condition. "She was beaten pretty badly," he said. "She's very lucky you got to her when you did. The only major injury she has is some bruising on her one lung, but it's nothing that a little rest and relaxation won't fix. She's awake now and asking for her sister." I looked from Sam to Dad and back to Sam. "Go, baby," Sam said. "We'll be right here when you come back." Dad nodded in agreement as I got up and followed the doctor to Scarlett's room. I stood outside, out of sight, for a few minutes before taking a deep breath and entering. I knew it was going to be up to me to explain everything to Scarlett so she could hopefully understand why this had happened to her..... 

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