Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

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We made it through the rest of September with no further nightmares, and I had a few more sessions still left to go. By the second week of October, I was ready to go out again, but I didn't want to go alone. Sam and Dean offered to take Cam out for the day so I could spend some much needed quality time with Catelyn. I hadn't really gotten much time with her since she was born, other than feeding time, because I was so scared that if I was hurting Sam so bad, my kids would be next. After the boys left, I made a phone call to Marissa to see if she wanted to come over and take us out to the mall or something. Of course that woman will do anything to get out of the house, so within five minutes of my call, she was at the front door of the house yelling "Let's go have some fun!" Once we had Cate and all of her things packed up in the car, we headed out to the mall for some girl time. Naturally our first stop was the baby store, and we probably spent about an hour looking around. "Oh my goodness, how cute is this?" Marissa asked, holding up an outfit that had hearts on it and said My Grammy Loves Me. "Absolutely adorable," I agreed, rummaging through some of the other outfits lying on the same table. When we finally left the store, both of us had bags full of new clothes for my little princess. Marissa had also picked up some things for Cam just to be fair. We went to the sporting goods store and picked out some little things for the boys and dad, then headed for the toy store to pick out a few new toys for Cam.  After taking a short break for lunch, I asked Marissa if we could leave the mall and find a video game store. "Thinking about taking up a new hobby?" she asked. "I like video games," I admitted. "But it's not for me. We got a little something for everyone but Declan and I happen to know that he enjoys a good video game every now and then." "Say no more," she smiled. "I'm sure there has to be one around here somewhere." We drove around for about 20 minutes before I spotted a store that specialized in video gaming. Marissa offered to stay in the car with Catelyn while I took a look around to see if I could find anything my brother might like. I walked around the store for about 15 minutes and found about 4 games I figured Declan might enjoy. I took them up to the counter and paid for them, thanked the guy who assisted me, and then made my way back out to the car. "We can go back home now, if you want," I told Marissa. "It's still a little early," she said. "Why don't we go to the zoo or something?" "I haven't been to a zoo since...well, since forever," I said. "It could be fun." We spent a good two hours walking around the zoo, checking out all of the animals, and enjoying each other's company. I only had to stop twice to take care of Catelyn; once when she needed a diaper change and once when she got fussy and wanted to eat. When we had enjoyed our fill of the zoo, Marissa said she had one more surprise for me before we headed home. We drove for what seemed like forever and finally stopped at an Olive Garden. "You're taking me out to eat?" I asked. "You don't have to do this." "It wasn't my idea," she insisted as we walked inside. She walked over to the hostess and said something to her right before we were escorted to a back room where I noticed Sam, Dean, Cam, Dad, and Declan waiting patiently for us to arrive. "I told you it wasn't my idea," Marissa smiled. "It was a group effort," Dad said. "Don't let her lie to you." "My only job was to keep her distracted for a few hours," Marissa pointed out. "This is such a wonderful surprise," I smiled. "How'd y'all know I needed this?" "Because we know you've been having a rough time since Cate's birth," Dean said. "And what better way to forget your troubles than by stuffing your face?" I laughed. "Typical Dean. Always thinking about food." "Come sit down, baby," Sam said. "We were just waiting on you girls before we ordered anything." I pushed Catelyn's stroller over toward where Sam was sitting and wedged it in between his seat and the seat I would be taking. "And how is Daddy's little princess today?" Sam asked, tickling our daughter. Her little giggle made my heart melt. "Thank you everyone for this," I smiled. "This is the first time in a long time that I have felt like myself again." "That's what family is for," Declan said. "To be there when the going gets tough. We all knew you were having a rough time, but we didn't know just how rough until Sam told us." "We love you, pumpkin," Dad added. "Anytime you feel alone, just remember that you're not. We're always here, even when we're not." "I hate to interrupt, but I can't be the only one who's starving right now," Dean said. We all laughed just as the waitress came over to take our order. That day would go down in my book as one of the best days I could have ever had after the problems I'd been dealing with. I probably say this too often, but I truly was blessed with one of the greatest families I could ever ask for.

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