A Close Call

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Two weeks after the Wendigo hunting incident, Marissa, Sam, and I were over at Dad's house setting up Halloween decorations. Even though it was still over three weeks away, with the amount of decorating Marissa liked to do, we had to start early. Don't even get me started on how early we have to help her start decorating for Christmas! The day started out like any other, with Dad and Dean out on a hunt with Mary and the kids were spending the day with their Uncle Declan and Dana. We were making great time on the decorating until Marissa realized she didn't have enough spider webbing. Since Sam had already offered to make lunch, I volunteered to run to the store to get more supplies. Anyone who knows my luck will most likely not be surprised at the fact that I didn't come back from that shopping trip until a day or two later. I mean, why anyone would want to attempt and rob a party supply store is still beyond me, but it happened, and once again I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Completely unaware of the situation, I strolled into the store and made my way towards the Halloween aisle. The next thing I knew, I felt a burning sensation in my back and dropped on the floor like a brick. I remember the pain being so intense that I was slipping in and out of consciousness. At one point I came to and realized I was in the back of an ambulance with two paramedics telling me that "it's alright, we got you," among other reassuring things. While I was unconscious, I once again had a vision of someone in my life who was now gone: my Nana. "Oh my word, I'm dead, aren't I?" I asked her. "You're having an out of body experience," she smiled. "You're such a strong soul, my sweet Samantha. You're going to be alright." "What the hell happened to me?" I asked. "I was going to the store for decorations. Next thing I remember, I'm in an ambulance." "You walked in on a robbery in progress," Nana explained. "You startled one of the robbers and he shot you in the back." "Wow," I said. "My luck truly stinks. Are you sure I'm not dead?" Nana laughed. "You're just unconscious right now. In fact, the bullet didn't even hit any major organs, arteries, or your spine. Your luck seems to be in tact." "I miss you so much, Nana," I told her. "I know you do, pretty girl," she said. "I'm not really gone, though. I live through you, through your memories. And I have been keeping an eye on you and your siblings for a long time now. All three of you grew up beautifully." "Are you sure I'm going to be alright?" I asked. "100%," she replied. "The world isn't done with you yet, Samantha Winchester." I smiled and went in for a hug, but the moment I did, she vanished. That's when I heard another familiar voice: "Sammi?" he said. "Baby? Can you hear me?" I was a little groggy, but when my eyes finally focused, there was Sam, sitting next to the bed, holding my hand with tears in his eyes. "Hey handsome," I smiled. "Did they remember to stick me in the Winchester suite?" Sam laughed. "I see your sense of humor is still intact." "Nothing can get me down, you know that," I told him. "I'm a Winchester now. We fight to survive, always." "The doctor said you were really lucky," he said. "The bullet missed all my vital organs, arteries, and my spine," I replied. "How'd you know that??" he asked in amazement. "I had another out of body experience," I admitted. "This time I saw my Nana. She told me what happened." "Did she also mention that they caught the guys who did this to you?" Sam asked. "She did not," I replied. "But I am glad to hear that." "And I am glad that you are awake," he smiled. "It was a little touch and go there for a while. You actually coded once, which scared the crap out of me. The kids and I couldn't live without you, you know." "I know," I said. "Like I said, we Winchesters always fight to survive. I knew my time here wasn't done, even without my Nana telling me so. We still have so much life to live. Are the kids still with Declan and Dana?" "Yes," he replied. "They are going to watch them all night so I can stay here with you. Marissa is going to be on call if they need her. Your dad and Dean are on their way here with my mom." "Your mom is coming to see me??" I was a little shocked. "You're her daughter-in-law, sweetheart," he said. "You're family. Of course she's going to come and see you. I know her being here is so new to all of us, but she has 33 years of catching up to do, you know?" I just nodded in agreement. "I think the next time anyone needs anything from the store, they should send someone else," I told him. "Either that, or we start using the buddy system. My track record at running quick trips to the local stores is not that great." We both laughed. "You just have bad timing," Sam said. "No truer words were ever spoken," I agreed. "I'm just glad that I'm going to be ok, considering all the injuries and near death experiences I've had." "You said it yourself, babe," Sam said. "You're a Winchester. We fight to survive. You've heard some of the stories about what Dean and I have been through over the years, and yet here we are, still standing strong." I squeezed his hand and motioned for him to lay down next to me on the bed. As always, I put my head down on his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist, falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. 

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