A Party Fit For A Princess

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About a month after my last debacle, our little girl was turning one. We had planned on having just a little get together at the house, with our usual guests, but Uncle Dean and Uncle Declan had other plans. Without mine or Sam's knowledge, they planned one of the biggest parties I'd ever been to in my life. And of course my dad and Marissa were in on it, because it was all set up at their house. On the morning of August 20th, Sam and I woke up and got the kids ready to head over to grandpa and grammy's house for breakfast. When we got there, we were greeted by not only Dad, Marissa, Dean, Declan, and Dana, but my grandparents, Scarlett, Drew, and Mia, AND Castiel. In the backyard we noticed a bouncy castle, a pony, and a picnic table full of food. "This is what you consider a nice, family breakfast?" I asked them as we got out of the car. "We knew you wouldn't go for a party like this," Marissa said. "So we had to tell a little white lie." "Why go through so much trouble?" I asked. "Cam didn't get a big party and we still had a great time. Granted his birthday IS on Christmas, but still." "We all know that Cate didn't come into this world in the best way," Dean said. "So we figured having a big party would keep your mind off that fact." "Was this your idea, Dean?" Sam asked. "Declan and I schemed together," Dean replied. "I can't even be mad at y'all," Sam said. "Your reasoning is really kind of genius." "Thanks Sammy," Dean smiled. I just shook my head and grabbed Cate out of the car while Sam got Cam. We made our way to the backyard and let the two of them run around in the bouncy castle. "You're angry," Cas said to me. "I'm not angry," I promised. "I just feel bad now. We didn't go all out like this for our first born, so I wasn't going to go all out for my second born. It's only fair, you know." "I do understand," Cas said. "Why don't you let me help you plan something big for Cam's birthday?" "His birthday is on Christmas, Cas," I reminded him. "That in itself is kind of a big thing." "What about the day after, then?" Cas suggested. "We can have a big party just like this with the same guests." "Do you seriously know how to plan a party?" I asked. "I may be an angel, but I AM picking up on a lot of things here on Earth," he smiled. "You're on," I told him. "Thanks Cas." I gave him a hug and he went over to speak with Dean. At that moment Sam came running over as if he'd seen a ghost. "What's wrong babe?" I asked. "Do you remember when Dean and I accidentally released the Darkness?" he replied. "Yes," I said. "But you reunited her with her brother and everything is fine now." "True," Sam said. "But she also told Dean that since he helped her reunite with her brother, she was going to give him something similar in return." "Ok," I was confused. "You two never really had a problem, though." "Not us," Sam replied, pointing in the direction of the gate. Standing there was a woman I had only seen in pictures...and she hadn't aged a bit. "Oh my word..." I said. Mary Winchester slowly made her way into the backyard where we were all gathered. While my family continued to talk and eat, Sam, Dean, and I just stood there like we were paralyzed by what we were witnessing. "Mom?" Dean asked. "I know I haven't seen you boys in 33 years, but I could never forget those faces," Mary smiled. "What...how..." Dean stuttered. "Amara," Sam told his brother. Dean looked at Sam, who nodded at him, and they both ran like little boys into their mother's arms. There were some tears, lots of smiles, and finally Sam and Dean gave her a quick rundown of their lives up to that very moment. When they finished, she walked over to me and said, "So I hear you stole my son's heart. Welcome to the family." She opened her arms wide for a hug, and since I didn't want to be rude, I gave her one. "Sam and Dean also tell me that I'm a grandma?" she asked. "Yes," I replied. "Cameron John and Catelyn Mary. They are over in the castle there if you'd like to meet them." "Let them play," Mary said. "We have time for introductions. I'm not going anywhere." Sam and Dean excused themselves and took their mother with them to introduce her to everyone else. Luckily for us, the rest of the day went off without any other surprises AND no one got hurt. My little princess had the best time playing with her big brother, and she really enjoyed meeting her grandma Mary. The moment Sam handed Cate over to his mom, it was like magic. Anyone who tried to take her away, Cate cried until she was back in Mary's arms. And Cam really loved his grandma, too. The only difference with him was that he didn't mind spending time with the other adults in his life. His favorite other than mommy or daddy? Uncle Dean. We knew from the day he was born that Cam was going to have an amazing connection to Dean. We partied late into the night that day, even had a huge princess cake that Marissa had made. When it was time to leave for home, we made sure to thank everyone for a wonderful time. Sure, we hadn't originally planned to throw a huge party for Cate, but it wound up being one of the best days we would have in a long time. Add in the fact that Mary was back, and it turned out to be one of the best birthdays any of us Winchesters had ever had. I may have been a little aggravated with Dean and Declan at first, but their hearts were in the right place. We all love Cate so much...she is the ultimate princess. Yes, Dean may call ME princess, but Cate is the one who gets spoiled like one. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

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