It's Complicated

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I was allowed to go home the day after my nephew made his debut. Dean, however, would not be so lucky. He was still having major issues following the surgery. By the end of my first day home, Dean was back on machines because he wasn't eating properly. Anyone who knows Dean will tell you they KNOW he's sick when he doesn't eat. That boy is always stuffing his face. At first, I was afraid that his body was rejecting my liver, but the doctor assured us that was not the case. "Actually, his body is accepting the liver quite nicely," the doctor said. "It's just him being stubborn and refusing to eat. He keeps saying something about the food tasting like ass." Sam rolled his eyes. "He's probably hankering for a big, juicy cheeseburger," he replied. "He's not going to get anything close to that in here," the doctor told us. "We know that," I said. "Dean is set in his ways. He's really not a difficult person to handle, but at the same time he is very complex. Does that make sense?" "Actually, it does," the doctor assured me. "Either way, he'll have to stay on the machines unless one of you can convince him to eat." "I'm his brother," Sam said. "I'll go talk to him." He gave me a kiss and then left me and the doctor alone to finish our conversation. "Would it be a bad thing if I went and got Dean his damn cheeseburger?" I asked. "He can eat anything he wants, as long as he eats," the doctor said. "We don't have him on any dietary restrictions. He just won't touch the hospital food." "Can you blame him, though?" I replied. "You can't seriously tell me that you eat the food from the cafeteria." "Oh God no," he said. "I always bring lunch from home. And if, by some chance, I forget, I will go to the diner or grab some fast food." I laughed. "So you understand where he's coming from," I told him. "But that doesn't mean he has to be a stubborn ass and refuse to eat." "Exactly," the doctor agreed. "How are YOU feeling?" "I honestly don't even feel like I had surgery 4 days ago," I replied. "I think you hold the record for the quickest recovery time after a surgery like that," he said. "Just remember that if you feel like you're experiencing any kind of complications, you come and see me." "You know I will," I smiled. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go get Dean his cheeseburger." I peeked into Dean's room to see Sam scolding his big brother. I took that as my cue to get the hell out of there. I got into my car and drove out of the parking lot, heading straight for the diner. When I got there, I went inside and ordered a double bacon cheeseburger and fries. While I waited for them to cook it, I got myself a chocolate milkshake. By the time I finished my drink, Dean's food was ready to go. I paid the bill and headed back to the hospital. When I got to Dean's doorway, Sam was still yelling at him. "Babe, give it a rest for now," I said. "Why don't you go and get yourself a drink or something? Give me a shot at him." Sam let out a huge sigh and wheeled himself over to me. "He's so stubborn!" he replied, giving me a kiss. "Good luck." Once Sam left the room, I walked over to where he had been sitting and plopped down into the chair. "I have a peace offering for you," I told Dean. "You have to promise me, though, that you will fight to get better so you can come home. And if that means eating shitty hospital food, then so be it." Since he was still hooked up to machines, Dean couldn't really talk, so he just rolled his eyes and then nodded his head. I asked a passing nurse if she could take the tubes and things off of his face, promising that he would be eating. When she finished, she left the room again and I stared directly at Dean. "I know you nodded at me, but I want to actually hear you say that you're going to do everything in your power to get better so you can come home to us," I told him. "Fine," he said. "I will eat that crap they call food if it makes me strong enough to get the hell out of here." "Good," I smiled. "Now I can give you this." I placed the to go container in his lap and opened it up. Dean's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. "Did the doctor okay this??" he asked. "He did," I replied. "He said as long as you ate something, he didn't care what that something was." "You are the best sister-in-law ever!" Dean smiled. "I will eat all the crappy cafeteria food you want me to after this, I promise." "I know you will," I told him. "Because we hate seeing you here, like this. We miss you at home." "I miss home, too," he said between bites. Sam came waltzing in a short time later. "You got him to eat?!" he exclaimed. "Wait. Did you run out and get him a cheeseburger?" "I had to go to extreme measures to get him to agree to eat the hospital food," I told him. "Hopefully he doesn't let me down." "I won't," Dean smiled. "I want to come home as much as you want me to be there." "Then stop making everything so complicated," Sam said. "You're lucky your refusal to eat didn't affect your liver at all, otherwise Sammi would have given part of her liver for nothing." "When you put it that way, I am seriously sorry for the way I've been acting," Dean replied. "Food is food, whether it tastes good or not." Three days later, Dean had recovered enough that the doctor released him. We could finally get back to normal around the house.

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