Father Knows Best

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By the end of September, things had calmed down in the hunting department, so the boys and Dad were home more often. We would take turns doing dinner at each other's houses and just enjoy having some quality family time. Early in October, Declan had made plans to go out with some friends he had made at one of his support groups. "I'll be home by 11 at the latest," he told me and Sam before he left. "Do y'all need me to bring anything home? I might stop by the convenience store before I get back." "No thanks," Sam said. "Pretty sure we're well stocked on food and supplies at the moment." "You just go and have a good time with your buddies," I smiled. "We'll see you later." Hours later, there was a knock on the front door and Dad came rushing in. "Is everyone here alright?" he asked. "We're fine, Dad," I assured him. "Cam's upstairs with his dad and Declan is out with friends. Why??" "I just had a visit from a demon who told me that time was ticking for a family member of mine," he said. "Do you think that Declan could be in trouble?" I asked. "I'm not sure," Dad replied. "Where's Dean?" "He's upstairs taking a nap," I said. "He was feeling a little sick earlier." My cell phone rang at that moment, so I answered it hoping to hear my brother's voice. "Declan?" I asked. "He's alive," the voice on the other end replied. "For now." "Who are you and what have you done with my brother?" I said. "That's not important," the voice said. "All you need to know is that we want your father. If you want to see your brother again, he will come and find us." The caller hung up before I could get another word out. "Was it your brother?" Dad asked. "Is he alright?" "The demons have him," I said. "They said he's alive for now, but they want you." "Don't worry, honey," Dad told me. "I'll take care of this. Your brother is going to be fine." "I'm not letting you go alone," I said. "I know you can handle yourself, but I would feel much better if you took one of us with you." "I'm not going to take a chance of losing two children in one shot," Dad replied. "Fine, then please let Sam go with you," I begged. "Sam!" Sam came running down the stairs empty-handed, indicating that Cam had finally passed out. "What's wrong baby?" he asked. "Declan's been captured by demons," Dad said. "They haven't killed him yet, but they want me. Sammi doesn't want me to go alone and I refuse to let her be my sidekick on this." "It's my brother," I said. "I have every right to want to go." "Sammi, sweetie, your dad is right," Sam replied. "You don't need to be out there. What if something goes wrong? We could lose both you AND Declan. I know I couldn't live with that on my conscience and I'm sure your dad couldn't either." "Y'all know I can handle my own," I pleaded. "You've seen it first hand." "This isn't a negotiation, Samantha," Dad said. "You stay here with your son and Dean. Sam and I will handle this." Feeling defeated, yet knowing my Dad and Sam were right, I sighed. "Fine," I said. "But please be careful. I don't feel like losing three family members in one shot." "They're just demons, babe," Sam smiled. "Nothing to worry about, really." I gave each man a kiss and sent them on their way, saying, "Just get Declan back to us safe." After they left, I decided to make Dean some tea and bring it up to his room. I knocked on the door and heard, "Come in," from the other side. "Hey there champ," I said, opening the door. "I made you some tea, hoping it would help you feel better." "Thanks princess," he smiled, taking the cup. "Is everything ok? I heard you screaming for Sam." "Declan was abducted by some demons who have beef with Dad," I told him. "I wanted to go with him, since it IS my brother, but he refused to let me. I had to send Sam instead." "I can't say I totally disagree with that decision," Dean said. "I know you can handle your own, I've seen it with my own two eyes, but you have to see it from your Dad's perspective. If something went wrong, he could potentially be losing not one but TWO of his kids." "I know," I said. "I'm just hoping one of these days I'll get to prove my worth." "You do that every day without even realizing it," Dean told me. "You take care of your son, of us, and you're always ready to protect any of your family from danger. You don't need to go out in the field like us to prove any of that." "I never thought of it like that," I replied. "I guess you and Dad are right. I'm better off staying here. Out there, I might make an easier target." "You have to know that your father loves you," Dean said. "If he didn't, he wouldn't have made you stay behind." "I never doubted his love for me," I said. "I just thought he was implying that I was too weak to be by his side." "On the contrary," Dean smiled. "You are one of the strongest people we've ever met. I mean, look at what happened a couple of months back with that fall you had. Any weak person would not have survived that." "Alright, alright," I laughed. "You've made your point. Dad had my best interests at heart. Him and Sam are going to get Declan back, and we're going to be just fine." "Thanks again for the tea," Dean said. "I'm feeling better for sure. Why don't I go make us a little snack and we can watch a movie or something until they get back?" "That sounds like a plan to me," I replied. Dean and I got through about two movies before Dad and Sam came waltzing in with Declan in tow. I ran over to give my big brother a hug. "Are you alright?" I asked. "You look like you've been through the ringer." "They tortured me a little bit, but I'll be fine," he promised. "Dad and Sam took me to the hospital to get checked. It's just a few bumps and bruises." "I hope you two got the jackasses responsible for this," Dean said. "You know we did," Sam replied. "Does this mean that Declan and I have to be confined to the house again?" I asked. "The demons and monsters are going to find you whether you go out or stay here," Dad said. "You don't need to live your life in seclusion because of this. Just make sure you have company when you go out. Don't go out alone." "But I wasn't alone and they still found me," Declan pointed out. "I'm not saying having company will stop them from trying," Dad said. "I'd just feel more at ease if you weren't alone during any of these random attacks, that's all." "So we use the buddy system," I said. "I can live with that." "Me too," Declan said. "If y'all will excuse me, it's been a long night. I'm going to get some rest." After saying goodbye to Dad, the boys and I made our way up to our own rooms for the night. As I got ready to go to sleep, I lay there thinking to myself that the night could have been much worse. I was actually relieved that my Dad cared enough to make me stay behind, but you know how the saying goes: Father knows best!

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