Road To Recovery

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I woke up the morning after Sam's accident and he was still sound asleep. Naturally my instincts kicked in and I peeked over at his monitor to make sure his heart was still beating. I hadn't eaten since breakfast the day before, and because I was still in shock and disbelief, my appetite was nowhere to be found. Dean and Mary had showed up shortly after I woke up offering me some food, but I just couldn't force myself to take it. "Well have you at least had something to drink?" Dean asked. "I literally just woke up minutes before you walked in," I explained. "I'm still trying to focus my eyes and my brain here." "I'll run down to the cafeteria and grabbed you a water or something," Mary offered. "Thanks, Mary," I smiled. "Please, when you feel comfortable enough, call me Mom," she smiled back. "We ARE family now." She left the room a short time later and it was just me and Dean and a sleeping Sam. "Any updates from the doctors?" Dean asked. "If they came in here at all during the night, I didn't hear them," I admitted. "If I had to take a guess, Sammy isn't going to  be home for Christmas," Dean said. "Seeing as it's only about a week away, I wasn't betting on it," I agreed. "I'm more concerned with how long his recovery is going to take. I was reading his chart after you left and it said that he had quite a few shards removed from his legs. That makes me think he's going to need some physical therapy to build up his leg muscles." "Most likely, but you know as well as I do that Sam's a fighter," Dean replied. "He's not going to let this keep him down for long. Say the doctors estimate he'll be better in about a know he'll be pushing to be better in about two weeks." "How were the kids when you left this morning?" I asked. "Looking for their mom and dad, naturally," he said. "But Declan and I explained to them that Daddy is hurt and Mommy is helping make him better." "You guys are my rocks when Sam is down and out," I smiled. "I honestly couldn't survive without you two." "That's what family does, princess," Dean replied. The doctor appeared a short time later to give us the news we'd been dreading. "Sam is very lucky to be alive," he said. "He had over 100 shards of glass spread throughout his body. We triple checked to make sure none of them were imbedded in his skin, and his legs took the brunt of the damage. His muscles are very weak right now and he's going to need some physical therapy to strengthen them." "How long will this recovery take?" I asked. "Honestly, about two months," the doctor replied. "But Sam is a very strong individual, very determined, so he'll probably push himself to recover in half that time." "How do you know my brother is that determined?" Dean asked. "Because before we took him to surgery, he just kept repeating over and over how he needed to be home in time for his son's birthday, that he wanted to hold his daughter again, and how he needed to stay strong for Sammi," the doctor told us. Being the sensitive soul that I am, I started to tear up. Mary walked back in the room at that exact moment, and Dean motioned for her to comfort me. "How long until he wakes up?" Dean asked. "He's not in a coma or anything," the doctor said. "He may still be feeling the effects of the meds we had to pump him with. He'll most likely wake up at some point today, but seeing as we had to use a lot of meds, there's no way of telling just how long he'll be out." "Thank you, Doc," Dean replied. The doctor shook Dean's hand, then came over and gave me a hug before walking out the door. "Two months," I declared. "Will they make him stay here that entire time or will they allow him to come home with us??" "They'll most likely ask him what he wants to do," Mary said. "And if I know Sam, he'll want to come home with us," Dean added. "Most likely he'll have to be in a wheelchair for that time, but it's nothing we haven't dealt with before." "Right," was all I could say. "What the hell happened?" we heard Sam ask. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around him, laying my head on his chest. "You're awake!" I exclaimed. "Do you remember anything that happened yesterday?" Mary asked Sam. "I remember we were chasing some demons," Sam said. "What happened? Did we get them?" "Mom and I did," Dean explained. "But not before they got us." "What are you talking about?" Sam asked. "They caused you guys to have an accident," I said. "The car flipped quite a few times. You had over 100 glass shards in your skin. They got them all, and repaired your arm because that was broken, but they say the shards weakened your leg muscles and you're going to need about two months of physical therapy." "They're going to make me stay in the hospital for two months???" Sam replied. "Not if you don't want to, Sammy," Dean told him. "They'll give you the option of staying or going home. Most likely not for a couple more days, though. And you'll probably have to be in a wheelchair while you recover." "I would prefer that over being stuck here without my family," Sam said, wrapping his good arm around me and kissing my forehead. "And we'll all be there every step of the way until you've recovered," Dean promised. "I'm not going to be home for Cam's birthday, am I?" Sam stated. "Most likely not," I said. "But we'll bring the celebration to you if we have to. The staff here knows us well enough that I'm sure they will work with us." "You guys are in here that much?" Mary asked. "Between Sam and Sammi, I don't know who has been here more," Dean told her. "Probably me," I admitted. "On top of being a certified klutz, I also try too hard to help when I'm told not to." "Let's just focus on helping Sam get better, shall we?" Dean smiled. I just nodded in agreement. It was going to be a long journey for all of us, mainly Sam, but just like any other struggle we'd ever faced, we were going to get through this and hopefully be stronger for having experienced it. 

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