All You Need Is Love

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Since Sam and I have been together, he's made it a policy to celebrate Valentine's Day. Personally, I don't care much about that's just an excuse for card companies, candy companies, and flower companies to make more money...but it has always meant a lot to Sam, so I go along with it. And yes, I DID even treat Dean to a Valentine's date a few years back, but I did that for Sam as well. This particular Valentine's Day started out like usual, with me waking up to flower petals scattered around my bedroom followed by a delicious breakfast cooked by both Sam and Dean. They even got my brother involved this time around. "You guys know that this is really unnecessary, right?" I asked. "Wait, you don't like Valentine's Day?" Declan was confused. "Your sister feels it is a waste of a holiday," Sam told him. "It is!" I exclaimed. "We say I love you to each other every day. Why do we need one specific day for that reason?? It's just a way for these big corporations to make more money." "Uh huh," Declan said. "So you're a conspiracy theorist now?" "Oh forget it," I replied, eating my food. "So what have you got planned for your wife today, Sammy boy?" Dean asked. "Like I'm going to tell you," Sam winked. "It's a surprise." "Does it involve a romantic walk on the beach?" Declan teased. "There's no beach around here," I said. "I think he knew that," Sam replied. "All you need to know is that we are kid free all night, so anything is possible." "How did you manage that one?" I asked. "I thought Dad and Marissa were having a night out too?" "They are," Dean answered. "Uncle Dean is on kid detail tonight." "By yourself?" I teased. "Where's Uncle Declan going to be?" "I actually have a date tonight," Declan smiled. "For real?!" I was excited. "With whom?" "A girl I met at my support group," he replied. "We've been talking about getting together for a while now. What better day to start then Valentine's?" "Good for you, big brother," I smiled. "I hope you have a great time." "Thank you," he said. "And I hope, despite your feelings for this day, that you and Sam have a great night too." "I will as long as..." I started to say, but Sam cut me off. "Don't you jinx us, baby," he said. "Fine," I replied. "It's just that something seems to happen every year. But I promised this year was going to be better, so I will stay optimistic." "That's all I ask," Sam smiled, giving me a kiss. "I hate to be a party pooper, but I'm going to get the kiddos and scram," Dean said. "Where are you taking a two year old and a 5 month old in the middle of February?" I asked. "To visit an old friend," he replied. "Lisa?" Sam asked. "I haven't talked to her in years," Dean answered. "I don't even know where she and Ben live now. I was talking about Jody." "Is that another one of your old girlfriends?" I asked. "No," Dean said. "She's a good friend of both of ours and a sheriff. We worked on a few cases with her. Really nice lady. We should introduce you sometime." "I take it she likes kids?" I smiled. "Loves them," Sam replied. "She had a son, but he and her husband were killed by a supernatural being." "Poor woman," I said. "Well you two have fun with my babies. And thank you, Dean, for being a wonderful uncle." After Dean and the kids left, I turned to Declan and said, "And no, that was NOT a snub on you. You're just as wonderful with the kids as he is." "I didn't say anything," Declan replied. "Maybe not, but you were thinking it," I winked. "I should probably go and get ready for my date," he said. "You two kids have fun. Don't stay out TOO late." He laughed as he rolled away to his room. "Are you ready for our adventure?" Sam asked. "Like I have a choice," I smiled. "Do I need to change first?" "I have extra clothes for both of us," he replied. "You really have thought of everything, haven't you?" I said, giving him a kiss. "Let's get this show on the road, shall we?" In the spirit of keeping his surprise, Sam blindfolded me before we left the driveway. After driving for what seemed like forever, I finally felt the car stop. Sam opened the door and guided me around until he decided it was time to take the blindfold off. "The amusement park?" I laughed. "Don't you remember what happened the last time we were here?" "Can you just stop being negative?" he said. "You're only acting this way because of how you feel about Valentine's Day." "Ok, ok," I replied. "You're right. I'm sorry. You most likely went through a lot of trouble planning out the day and I appreciate it." We spent a good few hours at the park, riding almost every ride you could imagine, and Sam even convinced me to ride one of those loop the loop roller coasters with him. When I couldn't take any more rides, Sam placed the blindfold back on and we were on our way to our next destination. We ended up at a really fancy restaurant on the other side of town. Sam handed me a bag and said, "Now you can go change." He gave me a kiss and I went to the restroom. I opened the bag to find a really beautiful purple dress that I had never seen before, which led me to believe that my husband bought it for me. I would find out later on that night that he actually bought me a bunch of new clothes for my wardrobe. I finished changing and met Sam outside the restroom door. He looked so handsome in his suit; he even had a purple tie to match my dress. He offered me his arm, which I gladly accepted, and led me to our table. Dinner was absolutely amazing, and since it was a special day for Sam, we even stayed for dessert. When we both had eaten more than we should have, Sam paid the bill and we went back out to the car. He didn't blindfold me this time, though. Instead, he drove back in the direction of the house. "I had an amazing time today, sweetheart," I told him. "I'm sorry I was a little bitter earlier. You're the sweetest man in the world." "The night isn't over yet," he smiled. "I have one more surprise at home." We pulled into the driveway and he escorted me upstairs to the bedroom. Not only were there even more petals all over my room, but there were candles lighting the way into the bathroom. "What in the world..." I asked, following the trail. I barely made it through the door when I saw Sam's last surprise. "Oh my word..." I said. "Is this why you had me using the other bathroom for the last few weeks???" "Do you like it?" Sam asked. "I absolutely love it!" I smiled. "I take back every bad thing I've ever said about Valentine's Day because this has been the best one yet." I gave him a kiss and he said, "Why don't you go get out of that dress and I will set up the bath for you?" Doing what I was told, I got myself undressed and made my way back into the bathroom...and into my new Jacuzzi tub. Sam had gotten the bathroom redone, so I now had a Jacuzzi AND a separate shower. We ended that night with one of the best love making sessions I could ever remember. I mean, how could we not?? I literally have the best husband in the world. Valentine's Day might just be my third favorite holiday now....

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