Hospital Holiday

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Since Sam had to stay in the hospital for at least two weeks before they would let him come home, we brought Christmas to him that year. The hospital staff were so helpful in getting us a room that we could use to set up a tree, the gifts, a few tables and chairs, and two of the nurses even helped with food preparation. Once they had decorated the tree and hung up birthday decorations for Cam, I went to Sam's room to get him up out of bed for the festivities. "I thought the cafeteria was closed today?" he asked. "No one said we were going to the cafeteria," I replied. "You've been cooped up in this room for days now. The only time you're getting out of here is to go to physical therapy. I thought you might like some fresh air." "It's Christmas Day," he said. "It's also our son's third birthday. You should be home with the family, celebrating." "So should you," I pointed out. "But shit happened and you're stuck here instead. Can we just enjoy a little bit of time together for the holiday, please?" "I'm sorry, sweetie," he apologized. "I do enjoy having you here. I don't want you to think otherwise. Where are you taking me, anyway?" "Just around this corner here," I said, pushing him into the decorated room. "Merry Christmas, Sam!" everyone shouted at the same time. "What?!!" he exclaimed. "How did you guys pull this off?" "We had a little help," I smiled, pointing to the nurses. "Daddy!" Cam said, running towards Sam. Sam picked him up and put him on his lap. "Happy Birthday, buddy," he smiled. "Mewwy Cwishmas," Cam replied. We all laughed as the nurses started handing out plates of food and cups of soda to all of us. "This is absolutely amazing," Sam said. "Thank y'all for making sure that, despite what I'm going through right now, I was still able to spend the holiday with you guys." "My sister was not going to let you miss a holiday with your family," Declan told him. "Neither were we," Dean added, pointing to himself and Mary. "Besides, it's also your son's birthday," Dad said. "Like we would ever let you miss that." "I wouldn't miss it for the world," Sam smiled, giving Cam a hug and kiss. We spent a majority of the day just sharing some of our fondest Christmas memories, past and present. Cam got to open his presents first, naturally, before we all exchanged our own gifts. I decided I was going to wait until things had died down to open mine, possibly later that night when everyone else had gone home and I was alone with Sam. I just wanted to enjoy the family atmosphere. Before we knew it, darkness had fallen and it was time for the family to pack up and head home. Sam and I got into a minor argument about me going home to spend the rest of the night with Cam and Cate, but Dean actually took my side and convinced his brother to let me stay with him. Once we had said our goodbyes and everyone had left, I wheeled Sam back to his room and helped him into bed. He got comfortable and then invited me to snuggle up next to him. He wrapped his good arm around me and said, "Thank you so much for today. Even though we had to stay in the hospital, it was probably one of the best holidays we've had in a while." "You're welcome," I smiled. "Like I said, there was no way I was letting you miss our son's birthday. If it was just about Christmas, I probably wouldn't have tried as hard." "You make it sound like you don't like Christmas when I know it's your favorite holiday," he replied. "I didn't mean it like that," I promised. "I would have still tried to make it a memorable day, just not as memorable. Does that make sense?" "Oddly enough, it does," he smiled. "Are you going to open your gifts?" "Maybe in a little while," I said. "I just want to stay like this for now, enjoy the moment." I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, looking for any sign of a Christmas movie. When I found one I knew we'd both enjoy, I put the remote down and turned to face Sam. "Merry Christmas, baby," I smiled, giving him a kiss that could have been stolen from a movie scene. We watched movies all night and into the early morning before passing out in each other's arms. Even though I wouldn't open my gifts until later that next day, I wouldn't have wanted the holiday to turn out any differently than it did that year....

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