Baby, We're Going Home

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Even though I was alert, awake, eating, and hadn't relapsed into a state of shock, the doctors decided it was best to keep me for observation for another week before releasing me. The same day they decided it was okay for me to go home, they told us we were going to be allowed to take Catelyn home as well. She had grown to a healthy 5 pounds and they were confident that she would be perfectly fine at home with us. Since it was a big day for us, everyone decided they would get the house ready and even prepare a nice home-cooked meal for our arrival. Dean had come to pick us up and when we pulled up to the house, Dad, Marissa, and Declan were waiting on the front porch with Cam. Dean helped me out of the car while Sam grabbed Catelyn's seat. The moment I got up to the porch, I was bombarded with hugs and kisses from my family. "How are you feeling?" Marissa asked. "Much better," I said. "But the doctors still gave me a prescription for medication just in case. They said anyone who goes through a trauma like I experienced has a tendency to relapse." "Did they mention nightmares?" Dad asked. "Because I know that happened to me for a long time after Anthony." "Yes, they did," I said. "And both Sam and I are prepared for that if need be." "I'm just glad you and my niece are both okay," Declan smiled. "And this little guy missed his mama." He handed Cam over to me and I gave my son a great big hug. "Hi there baby boy," I said. "Mama!" Cam cried out. "You know, I think that's the only other word I've heard him say besides Dean," Declan pointed out. "Nonsense," Marissa said. "He said baba the other day." I just giggled as Sam and Dean made their way up to the porch. As expected, Marissa was the first one to faun over Cate. "Hello there, little princess," she said as she rubbed her finger past Cate's cheek. "Aren't you just the cutest!" "Why don't we bring this love fest inside?" Dad suggested. "The food is probably getting cold." "That would be a travesty," Dean said. We made our way inside and into the dining room. As I placed Cam in his high chair, Dad helped set up the Pack N Play so Sam could lay Cate down for a nap. When everyone was at the table, Marissa said, "Dig in." We sat there for about an hour enjoying our meal and talking about happy things to keep my mind off of the events of the last few weeks. I almost spit my food across the table when Dad was telling us about Declan's first attempt to change Cam's diaper. "Dad did try to warn me to be prepared for anything, especially since Cam's a little boy," Declan explained. "It happens to all of us," Sam assured him. "He got both me AND Dean in one shot once." I started laughing, but luckily my mouth was empty this time. "I remember that," I said. "Dean thought he was gonna be sick while Sam was so cool and collected and told him to just go shower. If only I had a video camera for that one." Declan laughed. "It wasn't TOO bad," he said. "He got my shirt." "Yeah, well he got my mouth," Dean said. "Thankfully it wasn't open like it usually is." We all let out a laugh at that point as Cam started going crazy saying "Dean!" After we finished eating, I offered to help Marissa and Dad with the clean up, but they insisted I go relax with my husband and brothers. When I got into the living room, Declan was playing with Cam, Dean was rocking Cate in the chair, and Sam was flipping through channels trying to find something to watch. I made my way to the couch and cuddled up next to him, but continued to watch the uncles keeping their niece and nephew entertained. I took out my camera and started snapping pictures just as Cam reached up for a hug from Declan. "Aww," I smiled. "Looks like he loves his Uncle Declan." "We already knew this," Dean teased. "Almost as much as he loves his Uncle Dean." "Oh ha ha," I winked. "It looks like you have another little fan." I watched as my daughter gave her uncle a big smile and then closed her eyes. "Are you kidding?" Dean said. "I'm her biggest fan. Have been since the first day I laid eyes on her." Dad and Marissa joined the party shortly after, taking a seat next to me and Sam on the couch. "It's really good to have you and Catelyn home, pumpkin," Dad said. "The place felt a little empty without you." "I'm glad to be home," I admitted. "And I'm even more glad that I was able to contact Sam and get you guys to help me before those demons took my little girl." "How DID you manage that anyway, babe?" Sam asked. "They had my hands tied down right near my pants pocket," I said. "I may have small hands, but I was scared for both of our lives so my determination was through the roof." "I meant how did you dial the phone," he smiled. "I had to feel around the keypad as if I were blind," I said. "It wasn't easy, but obviously it worked and here we are." "It really is good to finally have you girls home," Dean said. "It's really good to be home," I smiled. And I meant it.

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